Indexes to Missing People R-T

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RADFORD, George, sought by sister Mrs. Caroline HORNBLOWER, Egremont, Cheshire England,  in 1916.  7 pages, List 51.

RADFORD, S.J. (stage name Miss Ruby DE VERE) wrote from Covent Garden London England in 1903 re her father William Radford whom she has not seen since she was nine months old.  He is a miner who was in New Zealand.  Her mother left him, but is now an invalid.  13 pages.

RAFFERTY, John, sought by niece Mary Jane RAFFERTY of Cork Ireland in 1908.  He was a native of Glenluce Stranraer, worked for Bains Bros, shipowners in Liverpool, then was Consul in U.S., came to Melbourne in 1856.  She is daughter of his brother Peter.  Several Rafferty men in Melbourne interviewed, but none are related.  9 pages, List 21.

RAFFERTY, Mrs. M.A. of Bridgeport, Connecticut USA, wrote in 1899 re her only brother Michael MANNING, who left Ireland in 1860. Police find his widow. 5 pages, List 17.

RAINSBURY, Sergt., Police Reserve Force, Calcutta, writes in 1910 seeking to join Vic. police force, provides physical description.  3 pages, List 27.

RAINSFORD, Miss E., of Silky Oak, Birmingham England, wrote in 1915 re her brother Abraham, who left there in 1910. Found. 3 pages, List 7.

RAMES, Arnaldo, 33 years, son of Giovanni.  Police in Alexandria, Egypt, wrote in 1913 enclosing a photo and fingerprints, and ask if he is known here; no. 6 pages and photo.  List 74.

RAMSAY, James T.T., Blackburn, Lancashire, England, wrote in 1902 on behalf of an elderly lady, Miss Rachel THOMPSON, who wanted to contact her sister, Mrs. William TODD, last heard of at Ballarat.  Found.  4 pages, List 42.

RANDALL, Kate, sought by Alice S. LEFROY, St John’s Vicarage, London, on behalf of her friends; Kate is an orphan, not heard from in a year.  Found.  7 pages, List 79.

RANIERI, Trivella, sought by Italian Consul, Melbourne in 1909, on behalf of the Rome Foreign Office.  He was a native of Deiva near Spezie Italy, a seaman.  Traced to NSW, then lost.  11 pages, List 60.

RANK, Mrs. C. wrote from Bodmin Cornwall England in 1892, seeking her husband Thomas A., and maintenance from him.  2 pages.

RASMUSSEN, Christian Marius, deserted wife Mary Frances nee JENNINGS and 6 children in 1913.  He is a former member of the Victorian Naval Forces.  His brother John is a chemist in Melbourne.  Mary wrote rom Berkeley California.  11 pages, List 63.

RAVEN, Alexander J., solicitor, Fressingfield Vicarage, Harleston, Norfolk England, wrote in 1893 re George MOOD, convicted at Salisbury in 1844 and transported to Australia.  Relatives seek details of his criminal record.  His real name was Mark or George MAGGS.  8 pages, List 41.

RAWLINS, Gerald W., wrote from Rainhill England in 1897 on behalf of the wife of Charles S. McGREGOR, who left there c6 years ago, was a lithographer, believed to have been in prison in Victoria.  12 pages, List 20.

RAYMOND, George, San Francisco USA, wrote in 1910 re Helen BAKER, who went to Australian in 1907 with an American adventurer, Captain EDWARDS, who subsequently deserted her.  She was known in Melbourne as Millie COLLINS.  He would like her returned to the U.S.  6 pages, List 66.

RAYNER, Mrs. M.G., Dover, Kent, England, wrote two letters in 1902 re her husband Robert John, 52 years, champion swimmer, who left her 12 years ago, and was last heard of managing a boot factory in Melbourne.  She has supported herself til now, but now seeks maintenance as ill.  Not found  18 pages, List 43.

RAYNOR, Mrs. Mary of Entally, Calcutta, wrote in 1893; hasn’t heard from her husband E.L. in two years.  4 pages, List 3.

READ & READ, solicitors, Sydney, write in 1914. They have been asked by London solicitors to trace Carl ZENO and Madame ZENO. He lived in London and before that in Sydney and Melbourne as a fortune teller. Both left London hurriedly, and have used the names of RUMBART, HAWES and NORMAN. Her mother and sister are supposed to be in Melbourne. He is of Japanese/Italian parentage. Police confirm their arrival in Sydney. 5 pages, List 7.

READ, Charles, wrote from London England in 1894 re his brother Henry READ, last seen in Melbourne in 1888.  Their parents have died, and he is entitled to a legacy.  11 pages.  List 4.

READER, Frederick H., of Dulwich Village London England, wrote in 1920 re his brother Arthur George Reader; hasn’t heard from him for over a year. Found. 3 pages, List 13.

REARDON, Michael, wrote from Glounreagh, Kiskearn Co. Cork Ireland in 1896 re his son Denis, who left there 7 years ago, and was last heard of at Carriang [Corryong?]. 1 page, List 8.

REAY, John, wrote from Newcastle on Tyne, UK, in 1895 re a ‘very near relation’ Mary Hilda HOPPER now living in Melbourne, who asked UK friends for financial assistance.  In two letters he provides detailed background to the case; she has separated from her husband John, and left child with the father; both suffer from ‘intemperance’.  She is found in South Melbourne.  22 pages, List 28.

REDFERN, Miss, woman police officer, Gloucestershire Constabulary, England, wrote in 1918 re Thomas John Adrian MARONEY, D.C.M., who was previously a private in the 58th Battalion and discharged, suffering from shellshock.  She is engaged to him, and asks a confidential report on him, as she has not heard for some months and is worried about his health.  He is interviewed and denies engagement.  2 pages, second page of her letter missing.

REES, William, Sgt. Llandudno Police Station, Carnarvonshire, wrote in 1896 asking police to ascertain the living arrangements of Evan PARRY of Ballarat, who had left a wife and family there.  Local police found he is living on a nearby farm with a married woman and her three children but don’t know what the relationship is.  6 pages, List 33.

REEVES, Mrs.  A. of Johannesburg South Africa wrote in 1920.  Her husband Charles Godfrey Reeves died there in 1911, he was the eldest son of Isaac Reeves, who died the same year in Victoria; asks if Isaac left any estate.  4 pages.

REEVES, Francis, sought by brother W.A., Winnipeg, Canada, in 1914.  He was born at Acton, London, has had two silver medals and two bags of coins which belong to the writer, and was going to send them years ago, but never did.   Found, is foreman of Fitzroy Gardens.  6 pages, List 76.

REGAN, M.D. of Auckland New Zealand wrote in 1902 regarding sister Mrs. Annie SKELLON, a widow, who had remarried to a man who took her to Melbourne and ill-treated her.  She had 4 children, and had been in prison.  10 pages.

REGAN, Samuel of Newton Heath near Manchester England wrote in 1892 re Walter HOLLIS also known as John WILES, last heard of nine years ago in Rockhampton Queensland.  5 pages, List 2.

REID, David Forrest, watchmaker and jeweller, c44 years.  Information sought by only daughter Agnes, now Mrs. David STEPHENS of Aberdeen Scotland in 1900; last heard of in 1892.  Not found.  5 pages, List 39.

REID, W.J. & Son, London, in 1911 wrote enclosing pamphlet and postcards of the Speedwell motor patrol and ambulance.  8 pages, List 68.

REILLEY, Edward, Attorney at Law, Philadelphia USA, wrote in 1894: is acting for Edward REILLY who wants to track his sister Catherine REILLY or O’REILLY, from Co. Cavan Ireland, who lived from infancy with her uncle Eugene and part of the time with her aunt Mrs. PLUNKETT.  Catherine left Liverpool c1852 as nurse or maid with a family, she was then about 22 years of age.  2 pages.  List 4.

REILLY, Miss Alice McGrath of New York USA wrote in 1903 re Mary McGRATH, native of Gaminsfield Co. Tipperary Ireland, who was last heard of thirteen years ago.  2 pages.

REILLY, Peter, of Virginia, Co Cavan Ireland, sought by Miss K.A. SMITH, Hartford, Conn., USA in 1913.  Seven children settled in Melbourne; Kate, Susan, John, Charles, Maggie, Mary Ann and James.  Police trace Charles, a railway ganger at Mystic Park and Mary Ann now Mrs STOW of Meredith near Swan Hill.  12 pages, List 73.

RENDLE, Thomas, sought by bother William, Stoke, Devonport, England, in 1906; last heard of in Melbourne.  Not found.  4 pages, List 55.

RESIDE, Mrs. M.W., Masterton, Wellington New Zealand, wrote in 1906 re Lockhart DUNCAN, last heard of in Victoria in 1878; not found.  Local policed report she is slightly deranged.  4 pages, List 49.

REST, Ambrose F., Albany New York, in 1910 sought mother’s brother Ambrose MULHOLLAND, who left there with the horse Elms for Australia c30 years ago, and died shortly after.  Death certificate on file.  Daughter Rose GLEESON located.  15 pages, List 63.

REYNOLDS, Arthur Horton. A sordid tale of having children to his niece Alice Mary Reynolds from 1904-1907 in Tasmania and New Zealand and ill-treating her. ‘It would be difficult to conceive that a more despicable specimen of male humanity exists in this country’. File sent to New Zealand police but no charges laid. 12 pages, List 14.

REYNOLDS, E. Lionel, of Upton, Slough, England, wrote in 1910 re his cousin Jasper HUSBAND. He formerly practised as a barrister; the family haven’t heard from him for 14 years. Found. 7 pages, List 13.

RICE, Mrs. Bridget, New York USA, wrote in 1911 re her brother Patrick GAVEGAN who left Gigginstown Co Meath Ireland over 40 years ago, last heard of in Melbourne.  Not found.  5 pages, List 66.

RICE, George Edward, deserted wife Fanny and two children at Mount Roskill, Auckland New Zealand in 1908; a commercial traveller, he had previously lived in Melbourne.  10 pages, List 59.

RICE, Norman Lawrence, sought by wife Eleanor in 1913.  He sent her and their three children home to England; she is living with her parents in Kerwick, Cumberland.  He has never sent maintenance and she has heard he is living with – STRICKLAND in Ballarat.  Police find he was a boarder and owes Strickland and her relatives money.  File covers 1913-1914.  48 pages, List 73.

RICE, Miss S.M., dressmaker, Co. Down Newry, Ireland, wrote in 1921 re her uncle Robert McKAY, supposed to have been murdered in a hotel in Australia c43 years ago.  He had been living at Avoca Tasmania.  Felix LARKIN had worked at the hotel, and police try to trace him, but without success.  11 pages.

RICE, William, Mountrath, Queens Co Ireland, ex Head Constable, wrote in 1909 re Jeremiah BYRTH.  Not found.  5 pages, List 59.

RICE, William, sought by wife in Liverpool England in 1914. He was a fireman on board ship; she has six children to support. A second letter in 1915 reveals that he is still missing. Police find he has left on a ship. 9 pages, List 7

RICHARDS, C. Bellew, wrote from Rathmines, Dublin, Ireland in 1898 re his brother John Bellew Richardson, who was in police force,  would now be more than 74 as he was older than the writer.  His cousin Kyrle Bellew saw him in Melbourne some years ago.  Police find he died in 1886, and give details of his widow’s activities.  6 pages, List 24.

RICHARDS, Margaret, Penarth near Cardiff, Wales, wrote in 1892 re her brother Thomas Francis REES, who left England about 14 years ago and has not been heard of for several years.  He was generally called Thomas Rees.  She offered to pay his fare home, but police could not locate him.  4 pages, List 2.

RICHARDS, Harold Westley, South Woodford England, applied for a licence as a tram driver there in 1919.  English authorities seek confirmation of his statement as to background, enclosing a photo in the process.  7 pages, List 82.

RICHARDS, Miss Susie Curtis, of Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada, wrote in 1905 re her uncle William RICHARDS, about 69 years, came from Birmingham England.  5 pages.

RICHARDS, William, native of Pyle near Bridgend, South Wales, emigrated to the Australian goldfields and was subsequently connected with the Fawn Hotel, Ballarat.  In 1900 his nephew Rees REES, M.P.S. London, wrote from Pietermaritzburg, Natal, seeking information; William would be c65 years old.  His mother Elizabeth was William’s sister. Not found.  List 39.

RICHARDS, William James, born Rubery, King’s Norton in 1837, sought by Birmingham solicitors Rowley, Chatwin and Emerson in 1911.  He left for Australia in 1880, was at Berwick.  File reveals wife Margaret Letitia and 6 children had left him and they are located.  8 pages, List 65.

RICHARDSON, Mrs., of Linlithgow Scotland, wrote in 1913 re death of Mrs. Margaret FINNIES nee MEIKLE, in 1911. She had left a bequest to Meikle and GARDNER families there, but Andrew Gardner and his son are delaying things. Letter is extremely difficult to read. Police reply it is not police business. 5 pages, List 12.

RICHARDSON, Harry, Saskatchewan Grain Growers Association, Staynor, Canada, wrote in 1918 re his brother Burton. Incomplete file.  3 pages, List 50.

RICHARDSON, Jessie Cameron, wife of George, sought by her brother Duncan CAMERON of Glasgow Scotland in 1907. She left there with her husband and two boys in 1900, aged 35 years. He hasn’t heard from her for over two years. Police find she died in 1906. 6 pages, List 13.

RICHARDSON, William Mackay., information sought by wife Rosina, Wellington, Surrey England in 1916.  He was 39 years, native of Meifod, Welshpool, North Wales, left in 1912, last heard of in 1915.  Found.  10 pages, List 52.

RICHTER, Carl, St. Louis, USA, wrote in 1903 re his sister in law Mrs. Nelly CHAPMAN, Brunswick,  husband John, bricklayer is deceased.  Found.  5 pages, List 46.

RIDD, Frederick of Galena, Illinois, USA, wrote in 1893 re drafts of money sent to him from William AUSTIN of Geelong, which had been dishonoured.  2 pages, List 4.

RIDDELL, Edgar, left Origon near Washington USA c1890, aged 21 years.  Mother Mrs. E.E. Riddell wrote from Cableskill New York in 1895.  2 pages, List 29.

RIDDELL, James of Mullacronk Co Monaghan Ireland wrote in 1898 re an unnamed brother ‘who ust to get his letters in the Dunnolly post office’, had left there 35 yrs previously; had a sister named Mary Ann WOOLLEND [WOLLEND?]  Police establish William is the name of the brother, and report findings.  6 pages, List 20.

RIDDELL, Walter, seaman, 38 years, English, deserted ship in Melbourne in 1908.  Information sought in 1909 by Alice SMITH, Shirley, Southampton England.  Not found.  9 pages, List 62.

RIDDERWOLD, Johannes, born 1890, sought by brother Ole, Schenectady, New York State USA in 1912; not heard from for 6 months.  His mother in Cardiff Wales was also concerned.  Found.  9 pages, List 71.

RIDDLE, William, tailor, North Melbourne.  Information sought on his circumstances in 1911 by Andrew CLARK, Hawick, Scotland, on behalf of widow of John Riddle.  Details supplied.  6 pages, List 66.

RIDDLE, Gladys, housemaid in service of Lady DARNLEY of Cobham Hall, Kent England, met Private Patrick James Joseph KELLY, an orderly, and had a child, Sydney Kelly Riddle to him in 1919. He had promised to marry her, and her parents John and Mary, in South Shields, eventually agreed to this, but he pleaded lack of money and returned to Australia. She applied to AIF headquarters for financial assistance and they requested a police report on him. He was found living at Kirkstall near Koroit. 12 pages, List 15.

RIDEAU, J.B., died in 1916 after accident at St Arnaud.  Letters from sister Aline VEL, Mont Fleury, Seychelles, on file.  15 pages, List 55.

RIDLER, Lewis Empson.  Information sought by wife H.W., Brighton, England, in 1911.  He left for Australia in 1909; has heard he is dead.  Confirmed.  12 pages, List 68.

RIES, Phillip, died 1857. His children, William, Mary, James, Malcolm, Henry and Frances, who married Frederick R. FERRIER, and his widow Elizabeth nee JENNINGS, are sought by German Consulate in Melbourne in 1907. Two deaths located. 7 pages, List 10.

RIGBY, William Henry.  Information sought by daughter Mrs Helena BRACEWELL, Cape Town, Cape Colony South Africa in 1910.  Found to be deceased.  4 pages, List 65.

RINGROSE, Patrick, sought by sister Catherine PARRY, New York USA in 1913.  He was born in Co Clare, an engineer.  Found to have died; sons located.  9  pages, List 64.

RISSOM, Julius, born 1827 Aprenrade, sought by Imperial German Consul Melbourne, in 1913 on behalf of his nephew Dr Rissom of Schleswig.  He arrived in Australia in 1857 and was last heard of in 1907.  8 pages, List 65.

RIST, Fred., taxi cab proprietor, Middlesborough England, wrote in 1913 re Mr J. TAYLOR, a blacksmith, a recent arrival in Melbourne.  Not found.  7 pages, List 74

RITCH, William, sought by George Dundas NISBET, Minister of John Knox Parish, Aberdeen Scotland, on behalf of his wife. He left there two years ago a steward on board ship. He was ‘far from temperate’. Wife is supporting the family and has no desire for his return, but wants to know if he is still alive. Not found. 4 pages, List 7.

RITCHIE, Mrs. Margaret, wrote in 1904 from Invercargill New Zealand re her husband John A. Ritchie, 40 years, gives detailed physical description.  She enclosed letters from Mrs. E.G. WEBB of Richmond with whom he was boarding, and who was concerned about his health; he had gone away and left his things behind.  Body of man found in Yarra was not him; photo of the unidentified dead man on file.  23 pages, List 32.

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ROBB, Thomas, sought by W. Charles JOHNSTONE, Edinburgh Scotland in 1908, on behalf of relatives.  Found.  5 pages, List 59.

ROBERTS, Mrs. Ada, wrote from Greet, Birmingham, England, in 1920 re husband H.E., last heard of in Melbourne 2 years ago.  She and two children are destitute.  Found.  7 pages, List 27.

ROBERTS, Alfred, Russian Jew, sought by daughter Minnie N. Roberts,, Denver, Colorado, US, in 1906.  He left there 10 years ago; not found.  8 pages, List 49.

ROBERTS, Edward T., brass moulder, c59 years, born in South Wales, sought by only living sister Miss Anna Roberts of Milawaukee USA in 1900.  Not found.  13 pages, List 38.

ROBERTS, John, sought by nephew Andrew Blair HILL of Dundee Scotland in 1900.  Andrew’s father William lived in Perthshire, died 20 years ago. Robert was last heard of at Pennyweight Flat, Castlemaine in 1870.  His mother is anxious to know if he is still alive as she would be next of kin.  Found living under name of David Blair RAMSAY.  9 pages, List 37

ROBERTSON, Maggie Balfour, wrote in 1892 from Paterson, New Jersey, USA re her father William BALFOUR.  His brother Peter was a jeweller in Melbourne.  2 pages, List 2.

ROBERTSON, William of North Salt Springs, British Columbia, writes in 1897 re ‘dear friend Robert HOLBURN’ who left Hong Kong for Australia about ten years ago.  3 Pages.

ROBILLIARD, Daniel, sought in 1906 by D. Robilliard of Vancouver., who wrote 2 letters.  Daniel was from Guernsey, a grocer, the enquirer’s father is Isaac.  Police find he died in 1902.  7 pages, List 30.

ROBINSON, Arthur, wanted by Halifax England police in 1912.  He absconded with a large amount of money, believed with Alfred MUNDAY, stock broker, Bradford.  They send wanted notices for distribution, some of which are on the file.  9 pages, List 71.

ROBINSON, Charles.  Number of letters from wife, Leeds, UK in 1911; seeking maintenance; he is in Melbourne with brother Walter.  The couple were living just outside Toronto, Canada, when he left her with 3 children, one an infant.  Found, he writes a detailed letter claiming they were not married, and denigrates her character.  31 pages, List 68.

ROBINSON, Rose, alias Lady Rose Robinson alias Lady COTTENHAM. (Great story!) Scotland Yard write in 1908 re this woman who has been charged with fraud and embezzlement, seeking her background in Australia. Police report she came from Western Australia and claimed to be a sister of Lord Richard NEVILLE, and used society people like Lady Janet CLARKE and Mrs. James MURPHY, until they woke up to her and sent her to Sydney. Newspaper report of English case states she was probably the former mistress of Blundell LEIGH, the first husband of the real Countess of Cottenham, who divorced her for her adultery with Cottenham. Rose was associated with Cecil E. Robinson. She had cards from Richard and John KENNEDY, Mrs. LAUGHLIN and Mrs CRERA of Hobart Tasmania, and it was thought they might be relatives. There are two small photos of Rose and a set of fingerprints. 8 pages, List 13.

ROBOROUGH, Henry Joseph.  Information sought by his niece Miss Eliza Roborough, Trinity Hill, St Heliers, Jersey in 1910; not heard from for 30 years.  Police establish he was dead, and solicitor Max ALAVOINE asks details of his estate.  20 pages, list 63.

ROBSON, Robert Parvin, sought by sister Mrs. Eliza Robson THOMAS or New Harmony, Indiana in 1898.  He went to the California goldrush in 1849, then to Australia; last heard of at Dunolly in 1862.  Father Dr. Robert was a noted physician, mother a Quaker.  Father’s uncle Joseph Robson was gardener to the Queen.  Some good material on file.  Not found.  8 pages, List 26.

ROCHE, Patrick, wrote from Dublin Ireland in 1898 re his cousin Thomas GAFFNEY, native of Shankhill, Co. Dublin Ireland.  Gaffney’s wife has died and he’s handling her estate.  Mrs. BAILEY of Prahan is a cousin.  6 pages, List 27.

ROCHFORD, Bridget or Catherine, sought by Joanna Rochford of Marshalton, Pennsylvana in 1895; found.  2 pages, List 29.

RODDAM, R., of Newcastle on Tyne, writes to Chief Commissioner in 1901 re letters received from Peter SHARP of Albert Park Victoria, his uncle by marriage. Sharp married Eliza Ann FALDER in 1844 on the Isle of Man. Claims her father borrowed money from him years ago and wants Roddam to pay it back, as he is hard up and over 81 years. 8 pages, List 13.

RODERT, E.C., wrote from Kansas City U.S. in 1905.  His father was Heinrich Christian August, and came from Clausthal.  Looking for family.  Police locate Rodert family in Hahndorf, South Aust., who came from same area.  9 pages, List 27.

RODGER, Mrs. Winnie A, of Tyldesley near Manchester England, wrote in 1918 re her husband William, who deserted her in 1917, leaving her penniless. She believed he was now in Australia.  He was 25 years old, born in Cheshire, a fitter. They were married in Barrow on Furness. Not found. 9 pages.

RODGERS, Christina Cuthbert, sought by sister Jessie GRANT, schoolhouse, Bridge of Cally, Blairgowrie Scotland in 1904.  She went to Australia c1902 as a lady’s companion.  Found working for Mrs. LONGTON of Toorak.  6 pages, List 47.

RODGERS, Mrs. T.H. of Halifax U.S.A., wrote in 1914 re Thomas BOWLER who left there c65 years ago. He was in the police in Melbourne; his sister is anxious to hear from him. Reply states he was never in the force. 5 pages, List 8. ROE, Edward, wrote from Ilkeston, Derbyshire England in 1912 re John NOON, who has lived with him for 7 years.  Irish, drinks, says sister keeps the Beehive Hotel in Melbourne, and wife also a publican.  Roe has 5 young children.  Reply not on file.  2 pages, List 32.

RODMAN, Thomas, left wife Mary and four children at Stockport England in 1901.  In 1908 Chief Constable there asks police to find him as they are destitute.  He was 41 years, a hat proofer, last heard of at Collingwood.  List 58.

ROGERS, C. A Gunner, Royal Horse Artillery, Newbridge, Ireland, wrote in 1908, seeking to join the police force.  He was 21yrs, and a total abstainer.  3 pages, List 19.

ROGERS, Walter, sought by wife E.M., St Helen’s Park Crescent, Southsea, England, in 1900.  He left over 3 years ago, believed to be working on a ship, well known at Coolgardie and Fremantle.  His sister is Mrs MUTTON.  Not found.  9 pages, List 82.

ROHDE, Jessie, of Sliema, Malta, wrote in 1912 re her husband August, last heard of in Melbourne 7 years ago. Police find he has gone interstate, is using the name Arthur RHODES and is supposed to have married a Mrs. DOWIE: her brother in law – DOMBRAIN interviewed. 7 pages, List 12.

ROLLAND, Mary, of London England, wrote in 1894 re her son Horace Rolland nee Horace NICHOLS.  They used to be in Chirini’s circus.  She has heard her son is in prison.  3 pages, List 4.

ROLSTON, Miss Agnes. Solicitors from Newry Ireland wrote in 1907, enclosing a letter for Agnes. They are advertising for relatives of David Rolston as ordered by the Court there. 3 pages, List 13.

ROOKER, William George, sought by father J., London, England, in 1916.  Not heard from for some months; not found.  8 pages, List 53.

ROONEY, Robert, deserted wife Lizzie and 3 children in Ireland; brass polisher.  In 1911 Rev T.W. DAVIDSON, Belfast, writes on her half.  Found, promises to pay their fare to Australia but doesn’t.  12 pages, List 65.

ROOT, Hiram, of Althouse Joseupene? Co America, wrote in 1893 re William Summervill FORBES who is claiming to be ‘heigh born and of good lineage but I now that he was sent out a convict in winter of forty eight’.  2 pages, List 3.

ROPER, Mrs. Rachel Ann, Machen near Newport, Monmouthshire, wrote in 1905 re her father John PIERCE, who emigrated in 1836 ‘for the gold diggings’ would now be 93 years old.  He was last heard of at Sandhurst.  She is his only child by his first marriage, he married again to an Irishwoman.  Police find a death record for John PEARCE who died there in 1876 aged 66 years.  6 pages, List 46.

ROPER, Mrs. W.A. of Canning Town, London, England wrote in 1917 re husband William Arthur ROPER, who deserted ship 1916. 6 pages.

ROSE, D. of British Engineers’ Club, Calcutta, India, wrote in 1909, re Walter FRIEDLANDER, a German, who fought with the German Brigade for the Boers.  He had been asked to help find him as he had deserted his wife in Berlin.  Not found, and letter to Rose returned.  6 pages, List 18.

ROSE, John G., c40 years, sought by solicitors LANE & COTTIER, Plymouth, England, in 1908; nearly 7 years since his wife heard from him.  Had a brother at Queenscliffe.  Photo on file.  Found.  8 pages, List 58.

ROSENBAUM, Matthew, sought by wife M. in New York USA in 1909; he “went through a fortune of mine and left me penniless” and has deserted her and their two children.  Not found.  Photo on file.  7 pages, List 48.

ROSENGRAVE, William wrote from Flowerdale Table Cape in 1892 re his uncle William, once a constable in Tasmania, then in government service in Victoria 19 years ago.  2 pages, List 2.

ROSENTHAL, Harry S., New Haven, Conn., USA, wrote in 1904 re M. ZIMMERMAN, his uncle, who left London for Australia c1884.  11 pages, List 47.

ROSEVEARE, Mrs Carrie, Lower Hutt, Wellington New Zealand, wrote in 1918 re her sister Mrs Florence O’SHANNESSY of Brunswick.  She has heard that she is in distress, with her husband gambling away their money.  Detailed report on file.  11 pages, List 81.

ROSEWARNE, W.J., Chief Officer S.S. Istrar, wrote in 1905 re first cousin Edwin Albert TONKING [TONKIN?] who left Hayle, Cornwall c1890.  He needs to find him for settlement of an estate.  7 pages, List 27.

ROSS, Mrs.,  Culterton Mansions Holborn, London, wrote in 1919 re her daughter Mrs. WINDLE who left c5 years and was living in Melbourne, but has stopped writing to her; she fears she is dead.  Found.  4 pages, List 47.

ROSS, Campbell, went to Melbourne c1912.  In 1914 the Chief Constable of Grantown-on-Spey, Elginshire Scotland wrote on behalf of his parents, hadn’t heard from him for over a year.  He was a mechanic, c26 years.  Found.  5 pages, List 78.

ROSS, Walter Godfrey, sought by foster brother Horace F. READ of Buffalo New York USA in 1895; left U.K. c12 years ago.  1 page, List 29.

ROSSITER, H.D., Luckwah Tea Co. Ltd., Assam, India, asks help for his 85 year old mother and sister living in Hawksburn.  They adopted Clarence JAMES 15 years ago, and had  him dmitted to the Christian Bros. Orphanage after he played  up.  He has now returned and is making physical threats.  6 pages, List 66.

ROTHERAM, John P., Green Island, New York, USA, wrote in 1892 re his siblings William and Jane (Mrs WILSON), who were living in Kew, but haven’t answered his letters.  Found.  3 pages, List 76.

ROUGET, Henry James, sought by brother Peter Henry, Jersey, Channel Islands, in 1911.  He left there in the 1870s, not heard from since.  Not found.  5 pages, List 68.

ROUSE, Mrs. of Johannesburg South Africa, wrote in 1898 re her husband William, who formerly kept a hotel in Melbourne. He was 39 years old, and they had one child. Not found. 6 pages, List 14.

ROUSE, Mrs. Mary Ellen, wrote from Charing Cross London England, in 1893 re her husband William who had deserted her and their child at Cape Town ten years ago.  2 pages, List 3.

ROUSE, William, sought by Mrs. M.E. Rouse of Charing Cross London UK in 1895.  She was leaving shortly for South Africa.  Police report he has probably gone to the US.  10 pages, List 30.

ROUTREE, M.E., Middlesbrough, Yorkshire England wrote in 1912 re James William THOMPSON [THOMSON] of The Hermitage Braybrook, who was the brother of her grandmother, and left England in 1853.  When she was cleaning out the papers of her deceased uncle John POLLETT, she found letters written from Theodore W. HICKSON in 1898 about Thomson’s relatives and background, in which it is claimed that Ralph and Sarah Pollett adopted a girl Elizabeth, born 1851 who married – BELL.  Copies of these letters are on the file.   A complicated story, with a claim that the adopted girl was really his daughter.  29 pages, List 71.

ROVIDA, Geronzio, sought by Italian Consul in 19907; found.  4 pages, List 57.

ROWBOTHAM, Thomas, sought by nephew Thomas, Sneinton, Nottingham, England, in 1912; last heard of 20 years ago “sheep ranching”.  Not found.  6 pages, List 71.

ROWE, John, wrote from Grampound Road, Cornwall England in 1892; he was now 93 years old, and wanted to contact his son John, who used to farm in Lake Learmonth, was married but no family.  2 pages, List 2.

ROWE, John, great uncle of H.C. HAMMER of Queenstown Co. Cork Ireland, who wrote to police in 1914. Rowe lived in Ballarat, and police find his widow. 6 pages, List 7.

ROWE, Mr. R. of Toronto Canada wrote in 1905, re his brother Josiah; money has been left to him.  3 pages.

ROWE, William Christopher Clemo, sought by J.L. DAVIES, St Blazey Cornwall England in 1908, on behalf of his sister.  He was a carpenter, 63 years, last heard of at Sea Lake.  Police find he had died and provide details of burial costs etc.  18 pages, List 59.

ROWLAND, T.J., solicitor of Manchester England, wrote in 1892 re James BERTRAM, late warrant officer 3rd Buffs, who died in India.  His widow emigrated from Calcutta in 1890 to Melbourne where her mother Mrs. CROSSLEY/CROSSLAND was in business.  She was entitled to a sum of money.  5 pages, List 2.

ROWLEY, Thomas, wrote from Stratford on Avon, Warwickshire in 1896 re Dr. Robert PEEL’s address.  2 pages, List 35.

ROWSELL, Howard, Cheapside, London England, accountant, wrote in 1914 re Ernest James JACKSON, solicitor’s clerk in Essex, and left there with wife and 3 children in 1913 for Australia. Found, but letter advising this is returned ‘not known’. 5 pages, List 7.

RUANE, John, sought by P.J. McKNIGHT of Hanley, Staffs, England in 1909.  He was last heard of in Coolgardie, W.A., was a son of late Mary and Edward of Cultibo near Kiltimagh, Co Mayo Ireland, a widower, c55 years old.  He had two sons in England.  McKnight has heard he died in Victoria.  Police reply that he died in W.A. in 1907; nice comment about a friend minding his late wife’s wedding ring when he went on a drinking spree.  12 pages, List 33.

RUDBACH, Rebecca, Liverpool England, wrote in 1918 re her son Samuel, also known as BEST, 14 years, who left there as a ship’s boy and has disappeared in Melbourne.  Not found.  9 pages, List 50.

RUDD, Edward.  Information sought by sister Isabel, Stockton on Tees, England, in 1907; was he married and his circumstances.  Found.  6 pages, list 57.

RUDD, Herbert G., of Maldon, Essex, England, wrote in 1901 re his wife’s aunt Jane HEATH who had married George McDONALD and was last heard of in 1875.  Two of her aunts in London are anxious to hear about her.  Rev. Samuel BRYANT of local church, formerly in Melbourne,  suggested he write, and his letter is enclosed.  Not found.  11 pages, List 18.

RUDD, Miss Isabel wrote from Middleton St. George near Darlington England in 1914 re her brother Edwin. Found by police. 8 pages, List 7.

RUESEL, David Pierre, of Rochester, New York, USA, wrote in 1913 re Alfred Ruesel, who was in Melbourne in 1882 then went to Cape York Peninsula prospecting for copper. Not found. 6 pages, List 12.

RUMMELL, Johann Conrad Emil.  U.S. Consul in Melbourne wrote in 1915 on behalf of the U.S. Consul in Moscow, who enquired on behalf of his wife, whether this man had died.  Johann Otto Ernest Emil found in Melbourne, he was born 1838 West Prussia, married in Switzerland c1885, claims wife deserted him there.  The widow of his brother is also found. 13 pages, List 54.

RUPPEL, Pfasser, Korle near Cassel, Germany, wrote in German in 1913 regarding her brother William LAMPMANN, who emigrated to Australia in 1878 and was last heard of in 1904.  Translation on file.  Found.  16 pages, List 64.

RUPPELL, Mrs. Pastor E. of Hessen, Preussen, Germany, wrote in 1921 re her brother William LAMPMANN, who emigrated to Australia in 1873.  Letter in German, and translation on file.  Found.  6 pages, List 9.

RUSSELL, Elsie, Wellington New Zealand, wrote in 1917 asking for discreet enquiries to be made about Mrs. Louisa Rebecca Russell, who came to Melbourne c1903 as Mrs. FURZER and was a theatre dresser.  Daughter Mrs. James PATRICK found. 7 pages, List 50.

RUSSELL, Margaret. Inspector Wm Gentles of Slamannan Parish Council, Glasgow, Scotland wrote in 1917 re Margaret, a 7 year old deserted child. Her mother is dead, father Alexander RUSSELL, a ship’s carpenter, 35 yrs, born Slamannan, is the son of John and Mary nee ANGUS. He left in 1909, was last heard of in 1914. Not found. 19 pages. List 6

RUSSELL, Robert, sought by Mrs. C. RUSSELL, Southfleet near Gravesend, wife of his brother. He was in the Artillery, came to Australia October 1913, his wife is dead, and he has four boys. Found. 7 pages, List 6.

RUTLEY, H. of Catford Kent England, writes in 1894 re his eldest brother William, c30 years, last heard from five years ago.  14 pages, List 4A.

RYAN, David B., Repton St. Los Angeles wrote in 1910 re older brother Arthur, who left Co. Limerick Ireland in 1877, then about 18 yrs old, and went to Australia. Relatives haven’t heard from him for twenty years. Their mother’s name was Mary BARLOW. All Arthur Ryan entries in Melbourne directory were traced by police, but the correct one was not found. 9 pages. List 5.

RYAN, Hugh, sought by sister Margaret, Boston USA in 1910.  Not found.  In 1911 attorney William J. BARRY wrote on her behalf, asking for a search for another brother, Thomas, c70 years, formerly in the British army, ‘had a large sheep station in NSW about 35 years ago’.  Son Charles James found in New Zealand.  16 pages, List 69.

RYAN, Miss Margaret wrote in 1914 from Philadelphia, USA re her sister Ellen RYAN, who left Mulick, Whitegate, Co. Galway, Ireland c. 1884; their father’s name was Luck.  10 pages.

RYAN, Miss Norah of ‘Broadway’ Christchurch New Zealand, wrote in 1916 re Louis SUSWEIN, an Austrian, her last letters to him returned. Found. 5 pages, List 6.

RYAN, Patrick, of New York City, USA wrote in 1892 re brother Michael who left Knockbrock Borrisoleigh Co. Tipperary Ireland 30-35 years ago.  Their father was Patrick, their mother Bridget nee LYNCH.  The children were Thomas, James, Laurence, Bridget and Mary.  Patrick was the youngest of the family.  2 pages, List 2.

RYAN, Thomas, was in police force 28-30 years ago, has one sister living, who was  married c44 years ago to Richard O’CONNELL.  Information sought by Rev. M.T. MADDEN of Trumansburg, New York USA in 1895. 2 pages, List 29.

RYAN, Timothy of New York USA, wrote in 1894 re his uncle Jeremiah RYAN, a large property owner in Melbourne, has a brother in Baly Bay Co. Tipperary Ireland.  Jeremiah found in country Victoria, by which time Timothy is staying with him.  5 Pages, List 4A.

RYAN, Mr. W.J. of Pennsylvania USA wrote to the Town Clerk of Melbourne in 1901 regarding Patrick CAGNEY. The Town Clerk forwarded a copy of his letter to the police department, but it is not on the file, so contents unknown. Police interviewed several Cagney family members in Victoria and NSW but failed to find him. The file seems incomplete. 9 pages, List 15.

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ST. CLAIR.  In 1902 South Australian detectives report that a couple travelling under this name, who had embarked at London, and were heading for Melbourne, were probably travelling under false names.  Detailed descriptions of them were provided; he was 32 years she was 24 years.  Letters had been received for him under the name BAILY.  Melbourne detectives report that the pair were really W. BAYLEY, a married man,  and Miss E. MURRAY who had eloped, but quarrelled on the voyage.  5 pages, List 43.

ST. MORRIS, Charles, Attorney, Mexico City, writes on behalf of his 24 year old son, who has been in the army there, and wants to return to his birthplace and join Victoria police.  3 pages, List 47.

SALATENA, Domenico.  Sought by Italian Consul in Melbourne in 1908; found.  5 pages, List 21.

SALATUY, John, Austrian, engineer, Maffra Sugar Works, died at Leeds England in 1904; wife Alice also died there.  Two children were sent home to Melbourne to their aunt Mrs WALTON.  In 1910 Austro Hungarian  Consul seeks their location on behalf of John’s brother Josef.  Found.  5 pages, List 64.

SALSBURY, Robert and Charles, brothers, of Northumberland, who immigrated to Victoria in the 1850s, were sought by unidentified person in New Zealand in 1864. 8 pages, List 5.

SAMAN, son of Ruldoo MUSSALMAN, Raipoot of village Busyula of Hoshiarpur, convicted thief No. 10. left district and went to Melbourne, and has now returned.  Writer seeks confirmation that he was indeed in Melbourne.  7 pages, List 3.

SAMISH, G.A., San Francisco, wrote in 1905 seeking information on Max LUNDON and wife, recently arrived from Melbourne, who has applied for bankruptcy there.  He was possibly a pawnbroker.  Investigation shows this is probably Marks GOLDSTEIN, second hand dealer who left his wife in Carlton and disappeared with another woman.  6 pages, List 45.

SAMSON, Ernest, left Natal, South Africa for Australia in 1907, carpenter.  In 1909 Captain F. SIMPSON wrote on behalf of his mother.  He was an only child, 33 years.  Found.  7 pages, List 60.

SAMSONSEN, Neils Olaf, sought by sister Mrs N. LUND, Damsgaard, Bergin, Norway in 1910; not heard from since 1892 when working in a silver mine in Tasmania.  Found there under the name of Thomas SIMPSON.  9 pages, List 63.

SAMUEL, Eliza, wrote from Llanelly, Carmenthenshire Wales in 1901 re her husband Captain Edward SAMUEL, who was due to return from Australia and hasn’t.  Photograph and 10 pages.  List 4.

SAMUEL, Thomas, sought by Catherine Mary Samuel, Tonypandy, Rhondda Valley South Wales, in 1914.  He was born in 1883, parents David and Margretta of Gwalia House Trealaw.  He left in 1904, not heard from since 1906.  She has an 11 year old child.  7 pages, List 78.

SANDAY, W. of police station Leytonstone, Essex England, wrote in 1915 re his brother J.T. Sanday, last heard of at Carlton. Found. 3 pages, List 8.

SANDERSON, George.  Information sought by mother E.J., Michael Gate, Lincoln, England, in 1915.  He was last heard from in Footscray nearly a year ago.  Not found.  9 pages, List 53.

SANDERSON, Nicholas, wrote from Preston, Lancashire, UK in 1912 re his wife’s brother William Robinson GARDNER, who had written two letters in different handwriting; they are suspicious.  Gardner says one written while drunk. 6 pages, List 32.

SANDROK, Charles, Dusseldorf Germany, wrote in 1913 in German, re Prof. DESSLER; his letter to him has been returned.  Found.  7  pages, List 64.

SARA, Mrs. M.H., Foundry House, Redruth Cornwall, wrote in 1904 re her nephew William KITTO, c39 years.  She has heard he was drowned and asked details.  His brother Thomas was in Victoria.   8 pages, List 42.

SARVAAS, John de Marchie of the Netherlands. Left wife and sailed to Melbourne with servant Johanna BUSCH, who was pregnant to him. 1867. List 16.

SAUL, Arthur Marshall Kennersley, deserted wife L., at Southampton England in 1913, believed to be in Melbourne with another woman.  8 pages, List 73.

SAUNDERS, A.G., Sergt, 76th Batt., R.F.A., Kirkee, India. Wrote re joining police force in 1914. 3 pages, List 10.

SAUNDERS, Charles Henry, constable, and son of the same name, were commended for their actions in 1908 after Billy PINCOMBE had murdered local minister at Blackwood.  Letter from son on file.  13 pages, List 85.

SAUNDERS, Jack.  South African Criminal Investigation Department wrote in 1905 re Saunders; was an Australian from Queensland, on remand there for theft.  Identified as alias Jacob LIPPMAN, William FRAZER, and William FISHER, with convictions in Australia.  Photo on file.  4 pages.

SAUNDERS, John R., of Woodstock, Ontario Canada, wrote in 1915 re John Joseph and Robert Lyons CONROY. No reason for enquiry given; not found by police. 9 pages, List 7.

SAUNDERS, S.P., Toronto, Canada, wrote in 1901 re his brother R.P., who wrote that he was dying in Melbourne.  Not found.  13 pages, List 40.

SCALLAN, James, of New York City USA, wrote in 1894 re his first cousin Eugene SCALLAN, who emigrated c10 years ago; they were school fellows in Dublin Ireland.  2 pages, List 4A.

SCALAMERA, Michielina, New Orleans, USA, wrote in 1905 re her uncle Antonio.  Found.  4 pages, List 45.

SCANLIN, Mrs Mary of Newark New Jersey wrote in 1894 re Bridget and Kate, her daughters, who left Limerick Ireland 25 years ago to go to their aunt in Australia, Mrs John SALISBURY nee Bridget NEVILLE.  1 Page List 4.

SCARCE, Henry and Thomas, last heard from at Kangaroo Ground, sought by sister Mrs. WOODRAD of Ipswich, Suffolk England in 1895; found.  5 pages, List 29.

SCHAARE, Louis, deserted wife Emeline at Normanby, Taranaki, New Zealand in 1909.  He was 36 years, and used name SHAW.  6 pages, List 60.

SCHAFER, Mahala, Louisvile, Kentucky USA, wrote in 1911 re brother Isaac martin Schafer or SHANDLER, 32 years.  Not found.  4 pages, List 68.

SCHEIB, Mrs. S.A., Plaistow, West Ham, Essex, England, wrote several letters re her son Stanley William, who left there in 1911 for work at Maffra.  Found in 1912 using surname HUNT, but subsequently moved away.  File covers 1912-1915.  15 pages, List 54.

SCHEPIS, Antonio, sought by Italian Consul in 1914, on behalf of US relatives.  Found in 1910, married with a child.  Consul states he has a wife in Italy.  File covers 1909-1915.  40 pages, List 77.

SCHIMPF, Jacob, native of Niederweisel, Germany; was living with his sister Mrs Elizabeth ILLES at Eaglehawk, when he disappeared in the bush and the body was not found til years later.  Fritz LEYPOLDT had acted as his solicitor but was now in gaol.  Carl August BERG and James THOMAS had paid money into a trust account for her.  Very detailed report on Leypoldt’s financial dealings.  In 1914 German Consulate wrote iseeking details of behalf of relatives there.  15 pages, List 77.

SCHINDLER, Simon.  Wrote from Berlin Germany in 1908 re his brother Joseph, who hadn’t written for a long time.  3 pages, List 19.

SCHLAEPFER, Eugen, sought by Swiss Consul in Melbourne in 1898, arrived c1888, worked in Gippsland, cheesemaker, not found.  13 pages, List 25.

SCHLEICHER, Mrs Charlotte nee FLUGGE and Mrs Isabella SCHIERWAGEN nee BEER, sought by German Consul in 1911.  Foun.  5 pages, List 68.

SCHLOGEL, Max.  File re his change of address interstate in 1919, under Aliens Act.  10 pages, List 18.

SCHMIDT, Ernst.  Information sought by International Red Cross in 1918 on behalf of his sister Mrs V. KORYTOWSKI of Berlin.  Found in Yarraville.  4 pages, List 81.

SCHMIDT, Otto Jacob, wanted in Nuremberg for embezzlement from the Bavarian Bank; fled with mistress Caroline Helene SEITZ in 1909.  German Consul Melbourne encloses photo and asks police to keep a look out for him; not found.  3 pages, List 41.

SCHMIEDEL, Rudolph of Fruit Vale, California USA wrote in 1898 re his brother Carl who was using the name of RUDOLPH and ‘leading a Gypsy life’.  Left home in Germany nearly 18 years ago.  4 pages, List 2.

SCHRODER, Jacques.  Dutch Consul in Melbourne has been asked to find Hein and Klaas, sons of the late Jacques, at one time Dutch sailor, but afterwards settled in Australia and died 8-10 years ago.  They are entitled to an inheritance.  16 pages, List 4A.

SCHROEDER, A.L., St. Louis, Missouri, USA, wrote in 1907 seeking Mr MULHOLL or MULHOLLAND, who left England for Australia c1854.  Police interview John MULHALL of Clifton Hill who provides family background.  11 pages, Lit 57.

SCHULMAN, Mrs. of Oakley Square London England, wrote in 1914 re her son George LESLIE or LANGLEY, who was travelling with a wild west show in outback Queensland.  12 pages.

SCHULTZ, Mrs G., c/- Mrs SARGENT, Colaba, Bombay India, wrote in 1911 re her husband Carl, Russian, was working in CID police there but has deserted after she reported him for beating her.  She is French, has a male child to him, believes he is now in Australia.  Not found.  5 pages, List 67.

SCHWARTZ, Harry. London solicitor writes on behalf of Solomon SCHWARTZ in 1899 re son Harry. He hasn’t heard for a year and is worried. Harry would now be 11 years of age, and was living with his uncle Harry in Melbourne; his uncle cohabited with a woman, but she disappeared. Found with uncle. 4 pages, List 12.

SCHWARTZ, Henri, c/- Mr. EFRON, Nth. Melbourne, sought by wife Akuszerka Chaia Sora Schwartz of Biatystok, Grodnenska, Gubernia, Poland, in 1919.  He has been in Australia since 1913.  They have two children.  Found.  5 pages, List 18.

SCHWEIDA, Charles, sought by cousin Karl KIRCH, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, in 1911; hairdresser.  His mother Mrs Klara LEIER was anxious about him.  Found interstate.  List 65.

SCOLARI, Mrs, sought by mother Mrs T. JONES, Shrewsbury, England, in 1911; found.  6 pages, List 67.

SCOTT, David, of Dunedin New Zealand, wrote in 1904 re his brother Alexander, last heard of at Richmond.  3 pages, List 4.

SCOTT, G., Deputy Traffic Manager, Burma Railways, Rangoon, wrote in 1913 re Sydney Charles CLAYTON, who held a Bachelor of Civil Engineering, was born in Cork, Ireland, educated at Cheltenham College, employed there, and had fled owing a large amount of money. He had shipped to Singapore under an assumed name, O. Graham SINCLAIR and was possibly coming to Australia. ‘This rogue comes of a respectable family … but he apparently cannot keep straight’. Encloses sample of Clayton’s handwriting, as well as a photograph and physical description. Not found, but railways departments alerted. 6 pages. List 12.

SCOTT, Mr. H., of Birmingham England wrote two letters in 1908 re his son Sidney, aged 17 years, who arrived recently in Melbourne and was ‘easily led away’. Police find he deserted ship with another crew member, but fail to locate him. 8 pages, List 10.

SCOTT, Mr H., Ralton Park Birmingham England, wrote in 1910 re the respectability of the HARVEY family of St Just Point, Long Gully, with whom his son was living. 5 pages, List 65.

SCOTT, Isabella of Dumfries, Maxwelltown, Scotland, wrote in 1862 re her brother James SCOTT, a mason, last heard of six years ago.  4 pages, List 5.

SCOTT, James, Aberdeen Scotland, wrote in 1919 re his daughter Catherine Jane Marie LAIRD, who left there with her 7 children in 94 to join her husband Sam in Melbourne.  Not heard from for two years, then living in Ascot Vale.  Found.  5 pages, List 82.

SCOTT, Sidney Barnett.  Several letters from father Henry Scott of Rotton Park Birmingham England, asking his whereabouts; he is 17 years old.  Henry’s brother Sidney, who was in Wellington New Zealand, also wrote.  File covers 1908-1910 and traces his employment.  29 pages, List 33.   See also entry for Mr. H. Scott, a different file.

SCOTT, Sydney C., sought by father John, King’s Lyn, Norfolk England in 1913; found.  4 pages, List 74.

SCOTTHORNE, George, born Derbyshire England, left there c40 years for Australia.  Information sought by Isabella SMITH, Middlesboro, Yorkshire in 1909.  Her father George Henry HARROLD was his nephew.  Police find his nephew William Scotthorne in Victoria.  12 pages, List 48.

SCRANTON, William N. of Boston Mass., USA, wrote in 1894 re his brother George who left there in 1852 and has not been heard of since 1855. Not found. 5 pages, List 17.

SCUDAMORE, W.R. wrote from Clapham Common London in 1894 re his son Herbert Charles, aged 24 years, about whom he was worried.  8 pages.  List 4.

SCULLY, James, sought by John HENNESSY Jnr, Arlington, Poughkeepsie, New York, in 1913.  James was the brother of his late mother, and was from Derry Na Hinch Co Kilkenny Ireland.  He was last heard of 45 years ago, when staying with Andrew CARROLL, Oaklands, Greenvale Broadmeadows.  Carroll’s widow interviewed.  9 pages, List 75.

SCULLY, John, left Colverstown, Co Kildare Ireland c1865, aged c20 years.  In 1900 Kitty SMITH, wife of Robert, wrote from Sayville, Long Island, USA, seeking him.  She was the daughter of his sister Mrs. Nancy McEVOY.  Their father Edward had been a blacksmith.  Not found.  9 pages, List 37. 

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SEBRING, Jacob.  Sought by Mrs. Addie Sebring of Memphis, Tennessee in 1902.  1 page, List 24.

SEDGWICK, Henry N.M. of Southsea, England, wrote in 1900 re Edward Barnett NUGENT who lived in Melbourne in the 1880s.  5 pages.

SELLEY, May Maud, Rondebosch, South Africa, wrote in 1916; wants a divorce from husband Chudleigh John Selley, asks is he still alive.  They were married in 1899 and separated in 1902.  7 pages, List 53.

SERKINS, Edith, Los Angeles, California, wrote in 1910 re her mother Mrs Alice Serkins, who died there recently, leaving 4 children to look after themselves.  Seeks relatives named KING, living in Melbourne; many families checked but relations not found.  23 pages, List 61.

SEXTON, Charles F., of Guanajuato Mexico wrote in 1893, asking if Charles P. SEXTON is in Melbourne, and whether any jobs for stenographers; letter is typewritten.  1 page, List 3.

SEXTON, John, of Malbay, Co. Clare, Ireland, wrote in 1905 re his late brother Timothy’s estate; he died in Melbourne 25 years ago. John and his sister Ellen CLANCY are the only siblings. Police find niece Susanna Sexton, now Mrs. PRICE, handled the estate, and speak to her sister. 19 pages, List 15.

SEYMOUR, Mrs. S., Upper Clapton London, wrote in 1915 re her husband Charles C., who has failed to pay her maintenance.  Found working for his sister in law Mrs. CLING, Hawthorn.  6 pages, List 54.

SEYMOUR, Mrs. Susannah, wrote from Clapham England in 1919 re her husband Charles who left five years ago, has written previously.  Found working for sister in law Mrs. KLING, cab proprietor, Hawthorn; spends money on drink.  21 pages, List 26.

SHACKEL, Alex. A. sought by wife Ethel, c/- Mrs. EMERSON, Nth Lowestoft, England in 1914. She has heard he joined the AIF, has a brother in Melbourne. She believes he has remarried. Found. 8 pages, List 7.

SHACKEL, Alexander Herbert S., Sgt Major, left France in 1918 for Melbourne; discharged from army, was going to send for his wife Ethel Maude and child to join him, but hasn’t done so.  6 pages, List 77.

SHANAHAN, Nicholas, died as a result of accident at Colac in 1896.  Report on incident involving Richard James BALL; he died in boarding house of Mrs. BEAL.  2 pages, List 37.

SHANNON, John J. of South Boston Mass., USA, wrote in 1894 re Richard SHANAHAN who was in the [police] service about three years ago. 1 page, List 17.

SHANNON, Mrs. Katherine of Jersey City New Jersey USA wrote in 1915 re GALLAGHER family. Her mother’s brother Daniel, known as Dudley, left Fermanagh Ireland when a very young man for Australia, c1864. Katherine’s mother was Mary Gallagher and had siblings Ellen and John; her grandfather was John and grandmother Catherine FERGUSON. The rest of the family went to USA after the death of Catherine. She has heard the Gallagher family are wanted to claim a legacy. Police find no trace. 5 pages, List 7.

SHANNON, W. Floyd, Snr Chaplain, Australian Admin. Headquarters, London, wrote in 1919 seeking confidential details of Lieut. William Langlands JACK, who returned to Australia in 1918.  Police report he is living with his mother Mrs Langlands THOMSON in South Yarra, and his stepfather is a govenment MP.  8 pages, List 82.

SHARP, Mary, wrote from Patone, New Zealand in 1904 re her uncle Thomas WATES of Kent, who died in Melbourne.  The solicitor handling his probate was a Mr. MILLETT.  No record of death or solicitor.  5 pages, List 33.

SHARPE, George.  Information sought by brother Robert of Montreal, Canada in 1900.  He has recently received a request for money from his family and is suspicious.  Found, he is living apart from his family.  9 pages, List 38

SHARPE, William Thomas. New Scotland Yard wrote in 1919 re this person, then living in England, who had applied for a mechanical stage driver’s licence and had lived in Australia in 1914-15. Small photo on file. 4 pages, List 16.

SHARPLES, Mrs. Jane, of Taunton Mass., USA, wrote in 1894 re her brother James SMETHURST, in Melbourne for over 30 years and has several sons.  10 pages, List 4A

SHAW, Mrs. A., wrote from Calcutta, India for address of Jack WILLIAMSON, groom to Sir C. DILKE, was in Melbourne.  His brother has died at Poona, leaving a widow.  Not found.  5 pages, List 33.

SHAW, Edgar, sought by brother Arthur A. Shaw, Kern Station, Bakersfield, California USA in 1909.  He was the son of George Knowles Shaw and left England for Melbourne c1889.  Not found.  6 pages, List 59.

SHAW, Isaiah, shearer, in Melbourne in 1878.  In 1912 relative H. LAW wrote, seeking information, had not been heard from since that date; gives family details.  Shaw was of Deeplish, Rochdale, Lancashire and was believed to be wealthy.  No record.  13 pages, List 70.

SHAW, James, upholsterer, left London in 1911 for Melbourne, and last heard of in Coburg.  In 1913 his wife A, wrote from Glasgow Scotland seeking information.  His brother John interviewed.  Not found.  5 pages, List 72.

SHAW, Jerry, West Bridgewater, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania USA, wrote in 1912 re his brother Edward, civil engineer, who left England for Australia c20 years ago; last heard of in Melbourne.  Not found.  5 pages, List 72.

SHAW, John, Spring Garden Alley, Waterford Ireland, wrote in 1916 re his brother Mat[hew] believed working on the docks in Melbourne; formerly in South Africa.  Not found.  6 pages, List 52.

SHAW, P.G.C., solicitor, Chancery lane, London, wrote in 1906 re friend and client J.H. MacFARREN, last heard from 5 years ago in Melbourne; found.  6 pages, List 49.

SHAW, Percy Costello, solicitor, London, wrote in 1908 re William James KEATES, who was in a partnership shipping horses with Lieut. Col. Frederick SHAW and Susan Elizabeth SYMONDS, widow of Thomas Jonathan Symonds, both of Heathburn Hall, Riverstick, Co Cork Ireland.  He has failed to return monies owed to them.  Detailed affidavit on file; and negative comment on Keates.  17 pages, List 58.

SHAWCROSS, Rev. William of Worcester, late of Gloucester, England re William BANCROFT, who left from Stafford near Manchester many years ago.  Shawcross sends him money every year.  11 pages.

SHAWCROSS, Rev. William of Hewelsfield Rectory, Coleford, Gloucester England, wrote in 1893 re William BANCROFT.  Acknowledged receipt and forwarded ‘usual bank draft’.  4 pages, List 3.  Further letter 1898, enclosing usual bank draft.  Gives history of Bancroft – was transported c50yrs ago, c78 yrs of age, almost forgotten there except by a few people.  6 pages, List 18.  Another file, 1896 enclosing bank drafts, gives explanation of why funds are sent regularly, 19 pages, List 22.

SHEA, Richard, Irish, sought by niece Mrs Frank SCHUBERT, Antigo, Wisconsin, USA, in 1911, on behalf of her mother Mary, his siter.  [Writing very faint].  5 pages, List 68.

SHEAHAN, Patrick and Daniel.  Information sought by niece Mrs. M. Crowe SELLINGER of New York USA in 1900.  Her mother Mrs. May Sheahan CROWE is their sister.  Not found.  10 pages, List 37.

SHEARD, Louisa, Auckland, New Zealand, wrote in 1897 re her husband John, who had not sent money for five years; she has 6 children to support.  He was living under the name SHERWIN at Omeo.  Local charity also writes about the case.  Found.  9 pages, List 47.

SHEEHAN, Mrs. W.F. of New York City, USA, wrote in 1905 re her uncle, mother’s only brother.  Police point out she hadn’t even provided a name.  3 pages, List 18.

SHEFFIELD, John E., of Chico, California U.S.A. wrote in 1905, requesting names of ‘all Sheffields in your city.’  5 pages.

SHEPHERD, George, coachbuilder, Goroke, was sought by wife H. of South Dunedin New Zealand in 1906.  Found.   4 pages, List 19.

SHEPPARD, George Tomlinson, only son of John, a gentleman, of Middlesex, England, ‘quarreled with father on mother’s account’, sought by daughter Mrs. Hannah Hill TILBURY, Dunedin New Zealand in 1895.  Not found.  9 pages, List 28.

SHEPPARD, George Tomlinson, pork butcher, Prahran c1879; sought by daughter Mrs Hannah TILBURY, Dunedin in 1906.  Not found.  5 pages, List 49.

SHERDON, William, and wife Mary nee GORMAN, sought by Edward Gorman, Mahancy City, Pennsylvania USA in 1909.  Her brothers were Edward and Martin.  Sherdon had been in the police force.  4 pages, List 60.

SHERIDAN, John, Saltpans, Rathmullen, Co Donegal Ireland, wrote in 1905 re his uncle Patrick McFadden and his friend James WHITE.  Patrick found and says Sheridan is only after his money.  14 pages, List 44.

SHERIFF, Mary Ann. Aberdeen Scotland solicitors write on her behalf re her husband Stanley Layman Sheriff, 1919. He is an Australian gunner, and they met when he was on furlough and subsequently married; she is only 19 years old. They were supposed to be going to Australia, but he has put it off, and now she doubts his background and wants it checked. Police confirm he has a sister Mrs. J. BROOKSBY of Horsham and he is of good character, but don’t mention he was illegitimate. 6 pages, List 12.

SHERSON, William, cabinet maker, sought by Mrs Emeline S. YEY (?) Simcoe County, Ontario, Canada in 1909.  He went from Ireland to Canada, then to Australia.  He is a cousin of her mother’s Jane GRAHAM who married James LONG.  Not found.  7 pages, List 60.

SHIELDS, Robert C., Liverpool England, wrote in 1913 re his father Thomas of Newcastle England, who emigrated to Melbourne c50 years ago; nothing has been heard for 20 years and now he has been told that someone is advertising for his next of kin.  5 pages, List 73.

SHORT, William of Gateshead on Tyne, England wrote in 1905 re his great uncles William and Robert TERRINGTON who arrived Melbourne c.1856.  7 pages.

SHORTEN, Charles, sought by nephew Thomas GOOD.  He was Irish, emigrated in 1867, now c50 years.  Not found. 11 pages, List 34.

SHOWER, Joseph A., sought by Austro-Hungarian Consul in Melbourne in 1913. on behalf of Mrs Milada DUCKE, Bohemia.  Found.  4 pages, List 74. 

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SIDEBOTTOM, George. Sought by wife Mary of Heavely, Stockport Cheshire England in 1915. He left her 8 years ago, from Denton Lancashire and is 53 years of age. She is paying his life insurance premiums and asks if he is dead. Police locate him, but he claims he is single and was never married, and that she is really Mary CARLISLE, who with her husband Robert, used to live in the same house. Further investigations prove he is lying, has a wife Esther GAGG and 3 children. 7 pages, List 8.

SIEGFRIED, Eugene, German, c23 years, arrived Victoria c1880, made glass models.  Information sought by William A. HAY of New Orleans in 1902.  9 pages, List 24.

SILK, James of Whitehall, Co. Kilkenny Ireland, wrote in 1914 re John WALL, farmer, Koroit (Victoria) who died some years ago. He is a relation and queries the existence of a Will. Police reply that two people of that name died in Koroit, neither mentioned him in their wills. 4 pages, List 8.

SIMMONDS, Charles, widower, Auckland New Zealand, in 1910 sought details of his son in law Alexander Douglas WALLACE, who his daughter Caroline Grace has married.  He has deserted her and their child.  Wallace ran a Turkish Bath in Melbourne.  Report on him.  8 pages, List 65.

SIMMONS, Charles, left Birmingham England for Melbourne c1893, compositor; sought by half brother Henry, Strickley, Birmingham in 1913.  6 pages, List 73.

SIMPSON, Charles alias Handsome Charlie.  South African police enquired about his background in 1909, enclosing a photo and fingerprints; he had been convicted there.  Report states real name is QUESTED, born Gawler South Australia and convicted under other names.  14 pages, List 60.

SIMPSON, George, Urich, Missouri, USA, wrote in 1914, seeking details of the estates of Tom and Louis TRAXLER, last heard of in Melbourne.  Not found.  6 pages, List 78.

SIMPSON, Henry.  Sought by George Simpson of Hanley, Staff. Potts, UK.  A newspaper notice there recorded his death in Melbourne, had a brother Joseph of Cobridge.  Believes Henry is his father; mother is still alive.  Not found.  9 pages, List 24.

SIMPSON, J. Clerk of Guardians, St. Peter’s Hospital, Bristol England, wrote in 1915 re Doris May CUTLAND. Her father Charles Herbert Cutland had left Bristol in 1913 for Australia. In January 1914 his wife and children followed him, except for Doris who was too ill to travel and left with an aunt there. Doris was now being supported by the Hospital, and Simpson wanted the father to pay maintenance. Police report he had drowned and the mother was in a destitute position. 9 pages, List 7.

SIMPSON, John A. of Jarrow on Tyne, Co Durham, England, wrote in 1894 re his nephew George RAMM, who left there with his mother 10-11 years ago, to go to his father in Melbourne.  7 pages, List 4.

SIMPSON, Mrs. Mary (wife of Charles C.) of San Antonio Texas US, wrote in 1913 re her uncle Patrick KENEALY, who died intestate in Melbourne in 1909. She queries the delay in settlement by the Trustees. 11 pages, List 13.

SINCLAIR, Mrs. Andrew of Everett, Mass., USA wrote in 1911 re Captain Henry SMITH, native of West Sandwich, Shetland, Scotland aged about 70 years.  Despite a search he was not found. 10 pages, List 2.

SINCLAIR, A.M., Auckland New Zealand, wrote in 1914, seeking maintenance from husband John Henry, son of Rev John Sinclair of Geelong.  Found.  13 pages, List 78.

SINCLAIR, A.M. Auckland New Zealand, wrote in 1917 re her husband Jack, who owed maintenance.  He was the son of the Rev. W. Sinclair of Geelong, who is interviewed; Jack is ‘at the front’.  8 pages, List 48.

SINGER, Mrs. Hanna, of New York City USA wrote in 1912 re her sister Sarah SWAAB.  3 pages.

SINGER, Nathan.  Information sought by Newark New York Court in 1914; he has deserted his wife and children there.  Believed to be in Melbourne with Rose FEILER and working for Jacob SUROKIEWICH.  6 pages, List 78.

SINGH, Haruldor Autar, schoolmaster, 3rd Burma infantry.  Gives pay rate there and seeks ‘high appointment in police battalion’.  2 pages, List 3.

SINGH, RAM, hawker, died in Western District c1896.  His brother Santha Singh, son of Hera Singh wrote from the Vizagapatam District, Madras Presidency contesting the disposal of his estate.  Hurdit Singh, son of Jagot Singh, lied when he said he was the brother of the deceased and took possession of the property.  The writer is a family man with children.  Several letters from him.  33 pages, List 34.

SINGH, SINT, died in shop of Ishar DAS in Melbourne in 1902, well known as a hawker at Chiltern.  Brother in law Chodhari Jagit SINGH, from Dera Khalsa District, Rawalpindi writes asking details; a Hindu, he was cremated.  11 pages, List 24.

SINGLETON, John C. of San Francisco, California, USA wrote in 1896 re his brother Michael, a native of Co. Cork, Ireland, a shoemaker who had arrived in Australia c1880 and had three brothers, John, Dan and Dennis.  6 pages.

SINGLETON, Joseph Henry.  Information sought by daughter Mrs. A. CROUCH, Children’s Homes, Hackney Union, London, in 1916.  Found.  4  pages, List 52.

SIROIS, Dr Euchariste, sought by wife E., Denver, Colorado USA in 1909; requested no publicity.  Not found.  4 pages, List 62.

SISSIA, Jean.  Wrote in French from Paris in 1897, seeking his brother Amedo, late of San Francisco.  Not found.  11 pages, List 18.

SKEFFINGTON, Richard W., last heard of in 1891, sought by sister Annie M.A. of Gargscang, Lancashire in 1900.  Not found.  5 pages, List 38.

SKELTON, Hannah Maria, wrote from Sheffield Yorkshire England in 1915 re her uncle George CHAFOR, who sailed from Liverpool in 1857, then 28 years old. Her father William was his brother. Not found. 12 pages, List 7.

SKERRITT, Julia, wrote from Dunedin New Zealand in 1894 re her brother Patrick.  1 page, List 30.

SLADE, Adolphus Forbes, Hamilton New Zealand, wrote in 1910 for location of his mother Mrs DUFFELL; found.  6 pages, some damaged.  List 66.

SLATER, James. Blacksmith, died intestate in Natal South Africa 1904. Correspondence from Natal Supreme Court re who was his lawful wife.  Confirmed as  Annie RICHARDSON, nee UNDERWOOD, whom he deserted in Richmond, and who says his real name was Samuel Richardson. He had lived with Catherine GALBRAITH.  7 pages, List 15.

SLATTERY, Mrs., wrote from Dunedin New Zealand in 1899, asking police to see her daughter E.J., and see why she has not returned home as money has been sent.  9 pages, List 37.

SLATTERY, Mrs. S.J., Dunedin, New Zealand, wrote in 1899 re her daughter Bessie, who left with aunt Mrs. MITCHELL, licensee of North Fitzroy Arms but they have quarrelled and she is now employed by Mr. FENTON of Fenton’s Emporium.  Bessie wants to return home.  9 pages, List 51.

SLAVEN, Peter, wrote from Dundee Scotland in 1912 re his relative Luke DARCY; found in Gippsland.  2 pages, List 32.

SLEATH, Mrs Mary nee GORMAN, of Co Meath Ireland, sought by niece Agnes Gorman of Troy, New York USA in 1911.  6 pages, List 67.

SLINGSBY, Edgar, Bradford, Yorkshire, wrote in 1915 re his brother William; found to have died.  10 pages, List 54.

SLOAN, Richard Thomas, son of late Joseph, wrote from Gordon Fields, Enfield, Middlesex England in 1912; asks if his uncle Robet is dead.  Relatives found.  6 pages, List 71.

SLORACH, J., Clapton, London UK, wrote in 1918 re James Adolphus BULL, believed living in Melbourne, who was in debut to him.  Bull had been a member of the London Stock Exchange and embezzled money; his background given.  Bull denied the claim.  12 pages, List 81.

SLOYAN, Mrs B.J., nee E. JOHNSTON, wrote from New York USA in 1914 re her uncle George JOHNSTON, born Ireland, elderly, not heard from for some years.  Traced to Portland Benevolent Asylum where he had died.  5 pages, List 78.

SMEATON, John H., wrote from Edinburgh City police in 1912, interested in joining Victoria police.  Gives details, 29 years, served in army in South Africa.  3 pages, List 32.

SMIRNOFF, Olga.  Police at Simla India write in 1908 to Victoria police regarding the suspicious activities of this woman, who was a Russian.  Although posing as a tourist she travelled third class, which only poor people did, and was now on her way to Australia.  Her activities in Australia were tracked until her departure.  8 pages.  List 5.

SMITH, Alfred William, native of Birmingham, son of Sarah.  Solicitor P. SHARPLEY of Birmingham England, wrote in 1904 seeking him; had been left a bequest.  15 pages, List 47.

SMITH, Amy of Durban South Africa wrote in 1906 and asked police to give a letter to her daughter Gladys McNAMARA who was now in a Home in Melbourne.  Gladys’s father A.C. McNAMARA was executed in Melbourne in 1902.  1 page.   Further letter in 1907, asks police help in seeing if her daughter could join her there, she is 16 years old and at the Sutherland Home.  6 pages, List 23.

SMITH, Mrs Ann Slowey, wrote from Paterson, New Jersey, USA in 1908 re her brother William SLOWEY, who came to Australia with John and Samuel HAMMOND from Ireland.  4 pages, List 57.

SMITH, Mrs. Bessie of Plumstead, London England wrote in 1914 re her daughter Doris Lister WILLIS, taken from England by her foster parents WARNECKE, and believed to be in Melbourne.  Child born c.1904, Bessie subsequently married in 1910.  Wants her child returned to her.  9 pages, List 2.

SMITH, C. Holled [?] of Milford Hall, Montgomeryshire Wales, wrote in 1900 re Harry OAKLEY, a draper, who had left c9 years previously. His father John G. of Newtown Montgomeryshire was anxious about him. 8 pages, List 16.

SMITH, Edwin Taylor, sought by wife, Merivale, New Zealand.  They separated in 1906 and he left with Jean ROBERTSON for Melbourne; in 1911 she reported to police that he had not paid maintenance for the last year.  7 pages, List 67.

SMITH, Mrs. Elizabeth, of Tralee Ireland, wrote in 1913 re her husband Dr. Robert Smith. She had previously written c1903 and police had found he had married Josephine TETU/TEETE in Orbost in 1896. His brother John has made contact with Elizabeth, seeking family papers, then sent them to his brother William in London. Elizabeth seeks information on Robert. Police find he died in 1899, leaving a widow and two children destitute; was an alcoholic. 13 pages, List 12.  Two letters from Elizabeth, written in 1900, have been found in another Unit, presumably separated from the 1913 file. 4 pages, List 16.  Another file in 1897 – see under Robert Smith.

SMITH, Ethel Adams, wrote in 1915 from Monkwearmouth, Sunderland England, re husband John Bell SMITH, brewer’s assistant, whom she hadn’t heard from; they have 4 children. Police find him in Sydney.  A further letter in 1916 states he has failed to pay maintenance. Police respond that he has joined the AIF, and given his next of kin as Alice Sarah CARROLL whom he had married in 1915, suggesting he is a bigamist. 17 pages, List 6.

SMITH, James A. of Marshall Islands, North Pacific wrote in 1903 re his father William John SMITH, a native of Dublin, who left c.1867 for Melbourne.  He used to write to his sister Mary KERWIN.  4 pages.

SMITH, Richard, Cobden, wrote in 1914, is working on an invention that will help police.  Report states  c35 years, labourer, has 4 siblings there.  4 pages, List 114.

SMITH, Dr Robert.  Information sought by wife Eliza A., Tralee, Co Kerry Ireland in 1897.  They were married in Dublin in 1881 and have 2 children.  He went to Australia in 1884, and she last heard from him in 1885.  His brother William in London heard in 1893.  Police find he is at Omeo and had married Josephine Tetu.  11 pages, List 35.   See also entries under Elizabeth.

SMITH, Robert, of H.M.S. Sydney, wrote in 1906, asking for help to trace his uncle Richard G. SMITH, who left Tynemouth England c23 yrs ago, and was at some stage in the police force.  Found.  5 pages, List 19.

SMITH, S.L., accountant, of Sacramento California USA wrote in 1915, enclosing 2 photos of James H. WARD and wife Mary Alicia WESTNEAT, married there in 1911. She was from Melbourne. Writer suspects Ward already had a wife in Melbourne, and the pair have run off together. Police ask reason for enquiry; no response. 2 pages. See instructions re photograph costs.

SMITH, Stanley Layton. His wife writes from Christchurch New Zealand in 1906. He has left her, and she believes he is in Melbourne. 2 pages, List 9.

SMITH, T.P., Commissioner, Royal Irish Constabulary, Belfast Ireland, wrote in 1912 re Robert ROINEY, whose family there are destitute. He was believed to be in Melbourne. 4 pages. List 15.

SMITH, Thomas.  Wrote in 1899 on behalf of the mother of Kirkley/Kirstley McMILLAN, who was anxious about him; not found.  11 pages, List 20.

SMITH, Thomas, native of Deptford, Sunderland England, 49 years, sought by sisters Sarah Jane STERLING and Elizabeth TINDALL of Maidstone Kent, in 1904.  Found.  11 pages, List 51.

SMITH, Thomas, stoker, left wife of 3 months in Dunedin New Zealand in 1913 and went to Melbourne.  She has a 12 year old daughter to support and is now destitute.  Found.  15 pages, List 75.

SMITH, Vera, recently arrived in Melbourne, gave birth to a child in 1913, being then only 16 years old. Police investigate with a view to laying charges against the father. Her married sister Mrs. DUNCAN was in Melbourne. Vera was born at Pleasant Point, New Zealand. 5 pages, List 13.

SMITH, Walter Ewing, born Liverpool England c1837.  Rev. G.P. Despard of Sandhurst (Bendigo) wrote on behalf of his widowed mother in England, who hadn’t heard from him for several years.  13 pages.  List 5.

SMITH, William, of Minneapolis, USA, wrote in 1910 re his brother Daniel who left New Brunswick in 1853 for Ballarat. 4 pages, List 14.

SMITH, William George, born Wiltshire England, c53 years, sought by wife whom he has deserted in Ottawa Canada in 1913.  They both worked for ‘Cameron & Co., lumber dealers Oporgo/Oprongo (?) Cut’.  She was a ‘comfortable widow’ before marriage.  He had a brother John, and both had sailed to Melbourne when William was about 16 years old.  Not found.  9 pages, List 74.

SMITH, William N., sought by John A. LOGAN, City Marshal, Elgin, Ill., USA in 1900.  He was formerly the licensee of the Lincolnshire Hotel in Essendon, has a wife and child with him.  Found, states he was born in California.  9 pages, List 39.

SMITH, William Napier.  Chicago Detective Police sought an update on him on behalf of his wife Ann, who received a report in 1895.  He found to be living in Melbourne with a wife and children.  7 pages, List 61.

SMITH, William Stuart, sought by Anthony C. WHITE, solicitor, Ayr, Scotland, in 1909; last heard of in 1880 at Elsternwick.  Found.  9 pages, List 59.

SMYLIE, Archibald.  Information sought in 1903 by nephew Samuel, Carrickfergus, Co Antrim, Ireland.  Archibald was a barrister in Dublin, came to Australia c1890.  Not found.  4 pages, List 45.

SMYTH, John, MD of Hon. East India Co., writes from Holywood near Belfast Ireland in 1862.  Sent money to nephew Patrick Smyth, c25yrs, but apparently never received by him.  Wants investigation made.  3 pages.  List 5.

SNELL, Julia Bryan, Savannah, Georgia USA, wrote in 1906 seeking confidential report on John J. STEELE, who arrived in Melbourne c1884 and had a shirt manufacturing business.  Found to have married Ann Jane DON and gone interstate.  8 pages, List 56.

SNELL, Mary Jane and her daughter Emma JOHNS, wrote from Lowerquarter, Ludgvan, Long Rock, Cornwall in 1897.  They have received a letter from Mrs. Susan GOYNE of Honeysuckle Creek, near Bendigo, (on file) announcing that Mary Jane’s son George Snell has died in W.A., leaving a 10 year daughter Martha, whom they would like sent to them.  Local resident William Arthur SPENCER and his wife of nearby Elsmere would also like to keep the child, and have been caring for her for 3 years.  Henry Goyne was with George in W.A..  17 pages, List 34.

SNODGRASS, Frank Campbell.  Wrote 2 letters from Parkville Hospital in 1914, alleging ill-treatment by police and others.  Is brother in law of late Janet, Lady Clark.  ‘has given a good deal of annoyance of late to his friends’.  13 pages, List 32.

SNOOK, Sgt A., Calcutta police, wrote in 1907 re his brother George, not heard from since 1903.  Found. 6 pages, List 56.

SNOOK, John of Vancouver Canada wrote in 1918 re his uncle Albert and family, who haven’t been heard from for many years. Police interview every Snook in Melbourne, and report that a Mrs. Frank ASHBY nee Snook is a possible relation, and will write to him. 15 pages, List 6.

SNOW, Miss Annie E., of Hare Hills, Leeds, England, wrote in 1917 re her brother John James SNOW.  4 pages.

SNOWDON, Samuel. Sought by his granddaughter Mrs. Jane Stewart Snowdon of Redcroft, North Berwick Scotland in 1918. She writes twice, the first time asking if anyone had advertised in a newspaper for McKie or Snowdon, but her details are too vague for anything to be done. Her second letter states that Samuel came to Australia c1854 and bought land near Belfast. File includes correspondence with Lloyds, who state they were looking for a John Beattie McKee, not McKie. Samuel not found. 17 pages, List 16.

SOMERVILLE, Mrs. of Jamestown, Dumbartonshire Scotland, wrote in 1915 re her sister Mary McCULLUM or KELLY ‘she got married last year at Melbourne to Mr. SMITH, he is a farmer …’. Their brother ‘got fately wounded at the front’. Not found. 9 pages, List 8.

SOMERVILLE, James F.  Information sought by John H. BURROUGHS, Boston, Mass., USA in 1909.  His relative Mrs Henrietta HUTCHINS met Somerville in Europe and may have married him.  He is concerned for her welfare.  5 pages, List 60.

SOMMERFELD, E. of Hamburg wrote in 1920 re the survivors of the deceased Ferdinand FALCK who was his father’s brother. 5 pages, List 15.

SONNERGREN, Helge Emil Wilhelm.  Chief Commissioner of Police in Amsterdam wrote in 1917, asking for details of his background.  Police report he was secretary to the Consul here.  4 pages, List 20.

SORLEY, James, married Isabella McGregor in 1904; 2 children, Isabella Campbell Sorley and Roberta McGregor Sorley, deserted them.  Married Annie Dickie COOPER in London in 1912, then sailed for Australia with her, believed in Melbourne.  Glasgow Parish Council sought maintenance from him in 1912 for support of his wife and family.  Found, promises to send money.  7 pages, List 72.

SOUBIE, Mesdemoiselles Marie and Jeannette, of Osse, par Bedong (Bassey-Pyrenees) wrote in 1868 re their brother John who had died at Castlemaine (Victoria) the previous year, and the ‘fortune’ he would have left.  8 pages.  List 5

SOULE, Kate, of Harvey, North Dakota.  U.S. Consul in Melbourne wrote on her behalf in 1904 re her husband who had disappeared.  He was 40 years, a wheat speculator.  A photo of him aged 18 is in the file.  Police inquiry circulated through country districts, and Soule family at Chiltern and Warrnambool contacted.  22 pages, some duplicated, List 20.  See instructions re copying of photographs.

SOUTHON, Henry David, 22 years, sailed from Kent in 1895.  Supt. S. BARTLETT, Kent County Constabulary writes in 1896 on behalf of friends who haven’t heard from him and are concerned.  Found interstate.  Photo on file.  See introduction re copying of photographs.  13 pages, List 37.

SOWDEN, Thomas Henry alias PALMER, sought by wife Selina in Adelaide in 1896; she hadn’t heard from him for more than 7 years.  He was a compositor, c39 years old.  Not found.  7 pages, List 37


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SPARLENDER, Fritz. American Consul in Melbourne wrote in 1914 re this man, last heard of in country Victoria. His father Heinrich in Hanover seeks information. Not found. 8 pages, List 8.

SPEAR, Benjamin John Sprey.  Information sought by wife in Auckland New Zealand in 1898; not heard from since 1892.  Tracked throughout Victoria, but not found.  34 pages, List 25.SPEED, John N., wrote from Wainfleet Lincolnshire England in 1902 seeking information on the reported death of James Newton Speed in the Saltwater River.  Detailed report provided.  6 pages, List 43.

SPERO, Morris, Russian Jew, 39 years.  In 1906 Johannesburg police send photo and fingerprints and ask if he has any record in Victoria; no.  8 pages, List 55.

SPINNEY, Alfred William, sought by wife Louie, c/- Mr. Moore, Parkstone, Dorset England, in 1917. She hasn’t heard from him for 3 years, has an 8 year old daughter. Not found. 8 pages, List 6.

SPIRITO, Gaetano Santo, sought by Italian Consul on behalf of his wife in Borgata di Bacoli, who hasn’t heard for some years.  He was an ice cream manufacturer and vendor, c55 years.  13 pages, List 49.

SPITTLE, Samuel, sought by William WALTON, grandson of his sister Nancy Spittle Walton in 1898.  He writes from Homestead, P.A. Allegheany County. USA.  1 page, List 27.

SPONG, Edward T., Toronto, Canada, wrote in 1913 on letterhead of Island Amateur Aquatic Association, seeking relatives in Melbourne.  Grandmother located.  7 pages, List 63.

SPRIGGS, Steward of Aldermanbury in the City of London. He and his partner Herbert ASHTON were declared bankrupt in 1853, but Spriggs ran away to Australia. Found. List 16.

SPRINGER, John A., Barbados, West Indies, Inspector General of police wrote in 1894 on his behalf, re his nephew Benjamin McC. Springer, c30 years, not heard from since 1891, was at Wilsons Prom. Lightho/stronguse.  8 pages, List 28.

SPROSTON, George and Mrs. Mary, wrote from Goldenhill near Tunstall, Stoke on Trent, Staffs, England in 1903, re their grandfather Joseph WHITE.  They believed he had died c12 years ago, had one son and one daughter.  Joseph had been at Greenhills.  Daughter Mrs. HAY traced at Melton, but denies connection.  He died in 1878 and information from the death certificate is on the file.  9 pages, List 45.

STAFFORD, Frederick, wrote from Devonport, Devon UK in 1901 asking if his father of the same name is still alive; they previously found him in 1891.  Found, but denies having a son in England.  7 pages, List 40.

STAINER, H.D., Southsea, Hampshire England, wrote in 1906 re Jane Ann Stainer nee ROBINSON.  Found with father – WEBSTER in Newport.  3 pages, List 56.

STAINES, William, sought by brother Henry Gibbons Staines, Forest House, James lane, Leytonstone, Essex, in 1911; was in Geelong, hasn’t heard for some months.  Found.  [Letter damaged].  4 pages, List 69.

STANDRING, Mrs. Mary, New York USA, wrote in 1905 re her husband Dr. A.E. Standring.  She left him six years ago; his movements traced.  Refers to previous letter, not on file.  14 pages, List 44.

STANDRING, Mrs Mary Ann, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada, wrote in 1915 re her husband Arthur and his marriage to Ellen HOSKING.  They went from Melbourne to South Africa and he possibly died there.  Writing is difficult to read.  29 pages, List 80.

STANDRING, Mrs. Mary Ann of New York City USA, wrote several letters in 1915 (appalling handwriting!) re the death of her husband (details were in a previous letter not on file) and an old friend, Miss WRIGHT who arrived c25 years ago from London and worked for various drapers in Melbourne. Police find she is now married to David MACDONALD. 15 pages, List 8.

STANLEY, Jane and Joseph; enquired for by solicitor A. Whitehorne of North Shields England in 1897, on behalf of relatives.  He came to Australia 1868, she some ten years later.  4 pages.

STANLEY, John, born 1876.  In 1913 South African police send his photo and fingerprints and ask if he is know here; no.  5 pages, List 74.

STANLEY, Walter H. (J.P.) wrote from Edgbaston Birmingham England in 1895 re his nephew William Robert GAY, who was working in Melbourne with Mr. POWELL, dentist.  Asks private report on his activities, which is given.  5 pages, List 28.

STANNERS, John, formerly of London England, blacksmith, went to Victoria 1880, and George Montgomery EDGOTT, blacksmith, sought in 1897 by sister Elizabeth Stanners FOSTER of Boston Mass., USA.  Not found.  9 pages, List 25.

STANSFIELD, James S., Manchester, England, wrote in 1908 on behalf of Mr & Mrs HAMPSON.  Their daughter Elizabeth Ann had married George HAYWARD and emigrated to Australia, but he had deserted her.  She took a job with Mr and Mrs HILL, market gardeners, Korumburra, but letters are unanswered.  Found.  7 pages, List 58.

STANTON, Patrick, left Co Mayo Ireland c40 years ago, last heard from in Melbourne.  In 1901 his cousin Andrew GIBBONS of Chicago asked police to trace him.  All Stantons in Melbourne interviewed, but not found.  20 pages, List 40.

‘STAR OF THE EAST’ magazine 1911, published by the Vedanta Society, manager is J.S. WARNER, editor is Sister AVABAMIA, his wife.  In 1912 Bombay police asks for a ‘strictly confidential enquiry’ into the magazine and involvement in Ram Krishna Vedante Mission. The Society has rooms in Melbourne.  A very detailed report is supplied.  10 pages, plus 36 page magazine.  List 70. 

STARKE, T.P., Inspector, National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Norwich, England, wrote in 1893 re Robert THORPE.  Starke is executor of his mother’s Will.  Thorpe is son of an old sea captain and was lost sight of for some years, until letters appealing for money arrived from his wife.  Asks confirmation of situation; police report de facto situation. 4 pages, List 3. Further letter from Starke in 1895 requesting address of Thorpe – found. 2 pages, List 9.  Further letter from Starke in 1905, 4 pages, List 44.

STEPHENS, Mrs. S., of Liverpool England, wrote in 1920 re her son Charles, who had been employed on a hospital ship and left it in 1919.  7 pages.

STEPHENSON, Frederick, left Reddish, Stockport England and not heard from since 1913.  In 1916 vicar writes on behalf of his wife, seeking maintenance.  Found working at Railway Hotel, Yarraville.  5 pages, List 53.

STERNBERG, Thomas A.G., Seattle Lighting Co., Washington, USA, wrote in 1904 re his brother Carl Algot, last heard of in Brazil in 1893.  He was born in 1865 in Karlshamn Sweden.  Not found.  8 pages, List 49.

STEVENS, A.B. American Consul in Melbourne writes in 1908; he left San Francisco for Melbourne in 1891, was born in New Atehns, Ill., aged 38 years and a telegraph operator. Not found. 6 pages, List 10.

STEVENS, Arthur E. Sought by wife Rhoda Mary of Leicester England, in 1915. He left 3 years ago, and hasn’t been heard of since January 1914; she had four children. He had fought in the Boer War and was a farm worker and groom. Found. 10 pages, List 8.

STEVENS, George.  Brussels police enclose photo and fingerprints in 1912, arrested there, and New Scotland Yard also seek details.  He was born in England in 1861, arrived Victoria 1870, a clerk, later convicted in England under another name.  11 pages, List 71.  

STEVENS, Henry Blakely.  Series of letters from father Genery of Worcester, Mass., USA, 1901. Henry ‘had a drink habit and thinking a long voyage where he could not get any liquor for 3 months would benefit him, we sent him to Freemantle, Western Australia … as soon as he got there and received his money, he started for Melbourne, and went on a debauch …’ . Henry eventually found, had been in prison under assumed name, wants nothing to do with parents.  46 pages, List 5.

STEVENS, Samuel, ex chief constable of Nottingham, wrote from West Bridgford Notts in 1900, asking if enclosed letter (not on file) re Joseph RINGROSE is correct regarding burial costs paid for by Charles WHITPAIN of Ballarat.  5 pages, List 38.

STEVENSON, Mrs Catherine, of Liverpool England, wrote in 1914 re her husband James, who left over 3 years ago, leaving her with 3 children. She has received a letter from Melbourne, signed Eva Stevenson, asking her to set her husband free as she has children by him. Police cannot locate him; receive a further letter that she has heard from her husband. 7 pages, List 7.

STEVENSON, Mrs. Catherine of Liverpool England, wrote in 1915 re husband James who left 5 years ago. Photo of him enclosed. File includes letter from Eva Stevenson of South Yarra, who writes that her real name is DORAN, and that she is of a good family who think they are married. She has a girl 3 yrs and a boy of 5 months, and is 24 years old. Several letters on file. 16 pages, List 8.  

STEVENSON, Henry George, sought by wife A., c/- Mrs SUMMERSBY, Manchester England in 1911.  He left 9 years ago, was in New Zealand 6 months ago, now believed in Melbourne. He is a Freemason and uses names KING and TAYLOR.  Not found.  13 pages, List 67.

STEVENSON, Mrs. Jason, wrote from Melton Mowbray in 1897 re her brother John BENNETT, who left there in 1881.  Encloses copy of his last letter, from Bathurst in 1888.  He left a daughter behind.  Not found.  9 pages, List 25.

STEVENSON, Robert, blacksmith, left England in 1912, and failed to pay maintenance to wife and three children, two of whom are twins, who live in New Kilpatrick Parish, Bearsdon, Scotland.  Parish Council write in 1917 and he is traced.  5 pages, List 49.

STILLMAN, Mrs Ellen, Gisborne, New Zealand, wrote in 1910 re husband Edward Charles, a carpenter, who went to Melbourne for work.  Found.  6 pages, List 67.

STOBIE, Cyril Claude, sought by brother T.H. STOBIE of St. Margaret’s Twickenham, London, in 1916. He is 21 years, last heard of in Melbourne; found. 7 pages, List 6.

STOCKDALE, Thomas, sought by daughter Martha, Solomon Falls, New Hampshire, USA in 1895; not found.  11 pages, List 28.

STOEDERUM, Hartog, born Amsterdam 1888, has left his wife and children. Netherlands Consul in Melbourne writes; believed to be in Sydney 18 months ago. Not found. 6 pages, List 8.

STOKOE, John George, drowned in S.S. Waratah in 1909; in 1912 his widow Mrs E., West Hartlepool England, wrote seeking details of any property he had in Melbourne.  7 pages, List 72.

STONE, S.W., sought by W.R. BAUM, Milton Regis Union Workhouse,  Sittingbourne, Kent England in 1911.  He left there in 1909 and has failed to send maintenance to his wife.  Found interstate under another name. 8 pages, List 67.

STOVE, David.  Information sought in 1911 by Mrs W. Stove, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, Canada.  5 pages, List 67.

STOYLE, Mrs. H. of Bath England, wrote in 1913 re her husband Henry, 29 years, a baker, who left two years ago. Not found. 5 pages, List 12.

STRACEY, Charles Angus alias Ronald McDONALD. Wanted in South Africa for fraud in 1917. Wife Louisa BATCHELOR found in Melbourne, and states that she married Stracey in Melbourne in 1905, then as Johnstone married him again under name of Ronald McDonald in Durban in 1911 to confuse officials. Detective Denis COMMONS and postal officer Robert Jamieson SMITH go to South Africa to give evidence. Because of the war, have to go on a navy ship. Very large file of 71 pages, but most to do with getting Smith and Commons overseas, and the costs involved. List 6.

STRACHAN, James, chemist, information sought by solicitors in Scotland in 1896.  He died in Orange NSW in 1882, was a nephew of the late Colonel RENNIE who had died in Scotland.  Copy of death certificate on file; married Amelia DOWN in London, had one child.  Police attempt to trace family.  4 pages, List 34.

STRACK, Gottlieb, son of Philip of Brunswick Germany, went to Australia in the 1850s.  Information sought by Otto CLAUS of Baltimore, USA in 1897.  Not found.  5 pages, some damaged.  List 36.

STRAUSS, Leon A., violinist, left US for Australia in 1900.  Pinkerton’s Detective Agency, San Francisco asked discreet enquiry about his circumstances in 1901.  Incomplete file.  3 pages, List 41.

STREET, Captain Edwin, late of London, died 1918.  In 1919 executors of his estate wrote seeking James Slade Street and his family, who had been left a bequest.  Found.  8 pages, List 76.

STRONACH, Frederick Thomas, auctioneer, Christchurch, New Zealand, wrote in 1905 re J.J. HARRISON who left from Dunedin to Melbourne some months ago; a watchmaker and jeweller.  Small photo on file.  5 pages, List 44.

STUART, Mrs. Annie, of Boston, Mass., USA, wrote in 1918 re Jack CLIVE and wife Julia nee BARRY, who left there in the late 1880s. She wants details of a girl they knew Mocine (?) ORR, who is entitled to an interest in a small estate. Not found. 4 pages, List 6.

STUART, Mrs. Annie, c/- Winchester Hotel, San Francisco USA, wrote in 1915 re husband Michael A. HYNES. They were married in 1914, but she discovered he was ‘a woman chaser’ and seeks details of his Australian background. He was a seaman, 29-35 years, parents Carl and Margaret HEINTZ supposed to be in Melbourne. Letter from his friend J.T. HIGGINS of Qld., an ‘old shipmate’ on file. Police cannot locate parents or anything about him. She is the widow of late Hon. Henry STUART, M.L.C. 21 pages, List 8.

STUART, Edmund, Bangor, Co Down Ireland, wrote in 1910 re his brother Henry, 78 years, not heard from for 25 years, was in Ballarat, then Creswick.  Found.  5 pages, List 67.

STUART, Wallace.  Came from Australia to California in 1885, gaoled for forgery for 3 years, and again for same offence in 1888, this time for 7 years.  A woman claiming to be his wife has produced papers stating he was a respected businessman in Melbourne, in an attempt to get him pardoned.  Charles AULL, warden, state prison, Represa, Sacramento Co. California, writes re authenticity of claim; found to be false.  2 pages, List 2.

STUBANS, Adolph, sought by nephew Frederick, Jersey City, USA in 1906.  He arrived c1854, last heard of at Sandridge.  Not found.  4 pages, List 31.

STUDD, George, wrote from Peniel Hall, Los Angeles in 1902, on behalf of Englishman Henry MORGAN who wanted to contact his siter Mrs. Charles DENSTON who was believed to be in Melbourne.  Her husband was a journalist.  Found.  Small religious brochure on file on conversion of Amasa THAYER, a hatter.  16 pages, List 24.

STUDHOLME, Mrs. Mary of Long Gully, Bendigo Victoria, wrote in 1912 re her husband Robert, who left in 1898. He went firstly to Western Australia, then to England on account of his father Rev. T.M. Studholme’s death at Milnthorpe, Westmoreland. He subsequently served in the Boer War. He had an aunt Miss Elizabeth BAINES and cousins Mrs. William HODGSON and Richard MASHITER. She hasn’t heard from him since 1900. 6 pages, List 12.

STURROCK, Arthur, wanted for embezzlement on bank in Ayrshire Scotland and arrested by Victorian police in 1897.  File re capture and return to Scotland.  24 pages, List 36.

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SUCKLING, William, of Bureau of Public Health, Regina, Sask., Canada wrote in 1917 re brothers of that name who left Essex England about 50 years ago for Australia.  8 pages.

SUKER Arthur, artist, sent some paintings to commission agent PALMER, Melbourne to sell on his behalf.  In 1902 his wife wrote from South Devon England, asking police to check what was happening with payment.  5 pages, List 43.

SULLIVAN, Denis, of San Francisco California USA wrote in 1914 re his brother Timothy, of South Melbourne, who disappeared in April 1913, leaving a family of seven young children. His mother, six brothers and four sisters are worried; have written to his wife and got no reply. Police report family are still at South Melbourne, and the wife writes regularly to her husband’s mother in Ireland and has written to Denis but got no reply. 5 pages, List 7.

SULLIVAN, Mrs. Elizabeth.  Address sought in 1898 by niece Arabella Clementina LA MOON nee CHUTE, of Eastville, Bristol, England.  She lived with the Sullivan family in Chilwell 20 years ago.  Police find husband John had died, locate son John and mother.  12 pages, List 26.

SULLIVAN, Francis Joseph, sought by wife E., of King’s Hill, Harrismith, Orange Free State, South Africa, in 1912.  He left there for Melbourne in 1908; not found.  4 pages, List 32.

SULLIVAN, Margaret, of Boston Mass., USA wrote in 1915 re her father John O’HARE, last heard of 18 years ago in Hamilton. Two men of that name interviewed but not the right person. 5 pages, List 8.

SULLIVAN, William, Day Policeman, New York Post Office, wrote in 1902 re his sister Mary who left Cahir, Co Tipperary Ireland c1854 with a family of school teachers name PURTELL.  1 page, List 43.

SULLY, William, wrote from London, Canada in 1904 on behalf of his father in law Rev. Archibald BLUE, who left his birthplace of Glasgow twenty-one years ago.  His sister went to Melbourne and married John GILLIS.  (Reply not on file).  2 pages, List 32.

SUTCLIFFE, Mrs. E., Shaw, Lancashire, England, wrote in 1910 re daughter Jane Lilian Stodd WOOD nee BUTTERWORTH, who left Oldham for Melbourne.  Found with J. HATTERSLEY.  7 pages, List 66.

SUTCLIFFE, J.T., dentist, last heard from in Melbourne, sought by T.A.A CHAPMAN of Broadford, UK in 1895.  6 pages, List 29.

SUTHERLAND, Mrs, wrote from Butterley near Ludlow England in 1910, enquiring for her brother George Henry REYNOLDS, who came to Melbourne about 14 years ago. 5 pages, List 27.

SUTHERLAND, Peter, deaf and dumb sailor, fleeced of cash while on voyage from England to relatives in Australia in 1913.  Mrs B. WILSON of Redesdale, Kyneton and George WILSON of Sutton Grange take care of him.  7 pages, List 64.

SUTTON, C.J., farmer, Catling [?] River Otago, New Zealand, wrote in 1895 asking detail of birth of a child his wife had in 1892, probably in Melbourne.  She left him in 1891, then pregnant to – KEMP.  She used the name MANNING, and her brother was living in Brunswick then.  8 pages, List 29.

SUTTON, Stephen Robert, Littleport Cambs., cycle agent, fled bankruptcy in England in 1913 with wife and family and arrived in Melbourne.  Official bankruptcy Trustee requested information, which is supplied.  14 pages, List 64.

SVEDBER, Sven. Swedish Consul in Melbourne wrote in 1891 on behalf of relatives, regarding his deceased estate. Mrs. Christiana SCOTT of Steiglitz was his landlady. 9 pages, List 15.

SVENSSON, Andreas, wrote in Swedish from Goteborg, Sweden in 1906 re Herman LARSON.  Not found.  5 pages, List 29.

SWAIN, W.T., of Walham Green, Fulham London England, wrote in 1892 applying to join police force.  He was 25 years of age.  1 page.

SWAINSTON, Miss E.A. wrote from Middleston England in 1895 re her father John Harward Swainston who left there 12 years ago under the name of LIVINSTONE.  Not found.  2 pages, List 30.

SWANSEN, Charles, stowed away on a ship to Melbourne; 17 years.  Sought by his mother Margaret SWANSON, Bootle, Liverpool, England in 1909.  Not found.  10 pages, List 62.

SWANSON, A.R., The Utility Co., Spokane, Washington, USA, wrote in 1905 re Simon JOLIFF, last heard of Buninyong, c75 years.  Widow located.  7 pages, List 44.

SWANTON, Mary and Kate, Cardiff, Wales wrote in 1902: ‘we are orphans’ and asked police to find their uncles and only relatives, George Swanton and – HART. Police unsuccessful. 4 pages List 5.

SWEATLAND, Frederick Charles, sought in 1911 by cousin Miss A.A. BLADFORD, St John’s Wood, London England; in Melbourne over 20 years.  6 pages, List 68.

SWEENEY, John, confidential investigator, London, late Dept. Insp. New Scotland Yard, wrote in 1914 re Walter WOODWARD, c30 years, querying how long he had lived with Mrs. BRILL at Port and South Melbourne. Her sister Mrs. ROBINSON lives in Fitzroy, as does a cousin. Police reply that it is not their business. 2 pages, List 7

SWEENEY, Mrs. Mary, wrote from Akron Ohio USA in 1914 re her uncle Martin CARROLL. Reply states insufficient detail provided to enable search to be undertaken. 2 pages, List 7.

SWEET, James, sought by mother Margaret, who wrote from Pendelton, Manchester UK in 1895.  He is 20-30 years old, was in Tasmania in 1890, Victoria in 1892; not found.  10 pages and photo.  List 28.

SWIFT, Joseph, Royal Naval Barracks, Portsmouth, wrote in 1915 re his wife Nellie who left him and their children and ran off  to Melbourne with Ernest F. BARTHOLOMEW, a naval outfitter, by whom she was pregnant.  Traced, she tells police she wants to get away from Bartholomew because of his cruelty, and they and the Salvation Army help her to do so.  She went into domestic service, then asked police to fund her return to England, which is refused.  This is a very detailed file. 26 pages, List 54.

SWIFT, Lieut. Joseph, RN, wrote from Malta in 1920 re his wife, who ran off in 1915 with – BARTHOLOMEW, leaving him with their three children, and Bartholomew’s wife with five. She had twins on board ship, but they both died. She was subsequently charged with robbery. He seeks details of her present whereabouts as he wants a divorce. 7 pages, List 14.

SWINDELLS, Mrs Annie, sought by brother James ASHWORTH, Huddersfield, Yorkshire England, in 1909.  Found.  5 pages, List 60.

SWISS POLICE wrote in 1912 (in German) seeking confirmation of details provided by two men charged with offences there.  The first was Frederick TURNER, son of John and Ann nee HARRIS, born 1886 San Francisco, father a furniture dealer; the second was George STEVENS alias FRANKLIN/SIMPSON/THOMPSON, son of late James Stevens and Mary nee GRATION, born 1859 Bendigo, married Emma CORNELIUS and Teresa CALLAGHAN.  Photos of both and set of fingerprints on file.  13 pages, List 71.

SYKES, Mrs Minnie of Doncaster England, wrote a series of letters in 1915 re her husband Robert, who deserted 3 years ago for Australia. He sent money for the first year, but not since. She wrote to his landlady, informing her of the situation, and preventing him marrying her daughter. He is 30 and a painter. Robert was found by police and offered to send money for her passage, but she refused. 17 pages, List 8.

SYMES, William Crouch, sought by solicitors BENSON, CARPENTER & CO., Bristol England, in 1895.  He was living in Melbourne in 1891, would now be c30years old.  The enquiry was in connection with James CROUCH deceased.  9 pages, List 31.

SYMONDS, F., Hillside, Dunedin, New Zealand, wrote in 1914 re uncle William EWERS who hasn’t answered recent letters.  Police find he has died, executor informed of enquiry.  5 pages, List 31.

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TAGG, James, from Reading England, brewer, sought by solicitors Hedges & Son, Wallingford England in 1913.  The believed he had died around 1878, but no record is found.  On file are copies of letters from Ethel Blanche SINGLETON nee FARRELL and S.J. FARRELL stating that Tagg worked for their father Richard CLARK, brewer; and Thomas Tagg, whose father was also from Reading.  15 pages, List 74.

TAGGART, Fannie, c70 years, born Kappe Parish, Cullian Townland, Co Tyrone Ireland; left there when a young girl and settled in Melbourne.  Sought by Pittsburgh police in 1914 on behalf of her sister Mrs Ellen Taggart McDERMOTT, an old resident.  Not found.  5 pages, List 76.

TAIPANE, Hape, Arowhenua Pah, Temuka New Zealand, wrote in 1910 re son who was travelling with Wirth’s Circus in Australia and wished to return home. 6 pages, List 62.

TAIT, William A., of Jersey City, New Jersey USA, wrote in 1908 re his brother John, who left Ireland c1858, when aged about 25 years, and opened a hotel in Melbourne. He hasn’t heard from him in 25 years. Police check every Tait in Melbourne, but fail to find him. 12 pages, List 10.

TALLIS, W.H., wrote from Royal Palace Hotel Atlantic City USA in 1900 re brother A.A. Tallis, said to be in East Melbourne, but not heard from for some months.  Found.  5 pages, List 39.

TANK, Ludwig, Detroit, USA, wrote in 1906 re brother Frederick, not heard from for nearly 30 years.  Found.  7 pages, List 55.  [Surname may be KANK]

TANNER, Frank Victor, 30 years, sought by his mother Mrs. A. Tanner, Rochester, Kent, England, in 1916.  He and his wife Mary Gertrude were last from him in 1915.  Not found.  10 pages, List 53.

TARBURN, Mary Ann wrote from Paisley Scotland in 1892 re her husband George, a cab driver, who left there seven years ago and has not been heard of for some years; believed to be in Melbourne.  6 pages, List 2.

TARILTON, George A., sought by SON CUSTOM APPAREL CO., New Orleans, in 1912; formerly of Gulfport, Miss., USA.  Several letters from the Company on file.  Found.  18 pages, List 71,

TATE, Robert P., wrote from Cash Creek, Ashcroft, B.C., in 1906 re joining police, was in Nth of Ireland Yeomanry.  3 pages, List 29.

TAYLOR, Archie Waler, wrote from Featherston New Zealand in 1917 re his wife Alice May nee SPRY, daughter of Fanny, who he hasn’t seen for two years.  Report states he had been in gaol under name POLLOCK.  17 pages, List 50.

TAYLOR, H.A., wrote from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, in 1912, asking police to find his family; he has lost trace due to a fire destroying his papers.  He was born in Geelong, his father E.W. died c1906 in Melbourne, and his siblings are William Edward, Benjamin Bell and, Elizabeth Helen; one brother is a reporter.  Family found.  10 pages, List 32.

TAYLOR, James, died Colvinsby Victoria in 1876; widow sought by Melbourne solicitors in 1895, last heard of living in Ararat with daughter.  Found, now the wife of Hugh GARDAN.  7 pages, List 30.

TAYLOR, Lillian May, sought by mother Mary FORMBY of Liverpool, 1901.  She was sent to her aunt Mrs. WILSON of Williamstown some months ago, mother had not heard since.  5 pages, List 5.

TAYLOR, Mrs. Sarah, wrote from Camberwell London England in 1897 re her husband Thomas.  She has received news that he attempted suicide in 1896 and was placed in a Melbourne hospital.  He had been a seaman on the Perthshire and was addicted to drink.  10 pages, List 20.

TAYLOR, William, of San Rafael, California, USA, wrote in 1907 re his brother Thomas and sister Mrs. M. GALLAGHER.  He left them in Melbourne in 1904; found.  7 pages, List 18.

TAYLOR, William, left wife S.G. at Stockport, England in 1903 for Sydney, after agreeing to pay maintenance.  In 1905 she wrote to police department as he had stopped paying; traced, he resumes maintenance.  In 1911 H.J. ROBINSON of Stockport wrote on her behalf, requesting return of personal property as he had died.  22 pages, List 68.

TEAGUE, G. of Blackfriars Works, Salford, Manchester England, wrote in 1914 re his 25 year old relative Norman WREN, who sailed for Melbourne some months before and had not been heard from since. Not found. 6 pages, List 10.

TEAL, John William, sought by son Edward, Sutton Cross Hills via Keighley England in 1910 to settle grandmother’s estate. The writer’s mother took out a maintenance order against him, but his mother paid his fare to Australia, 23 years ago.  He is a monumental mason but believed sheep shearing.  The writer is the only child of the marriage and believes others have taken the grandmother’s money.  Not found.  9 pages, List 65.

TEHAN, Mrs Thomas, St Louis, Missouri, USA, wrote in 1908 re her brother Patrick BARRY, born Killarney Co Kerry, left in 1861 for Melbourne c22 years, involved in the timber business. Their parents were Patrick and Ellen nee ROBERTS.  Found.  8 pages, List 57.

TELFORD, E.R., watchmaker, Dumfries, Scotland, wrote in 1901 re his uncle Matthew MUNRO, contractor, who was accidentally killed at Ballarat in 1899; no record of death.  5 pages, List 39.

TEMPLETON, James sought by sister in Edinburgh in 1920; she enquires through YMCA.  8 pages, List 24.

TENNANT, John, engineer, sought by brother in law Henry REID, spirit merchant, Glasgow, in 1896; he hadn’t answered letters.  Found. 7 pages, List 34.

TEWKSBURY, Sidney J.B., newsagent, Hotel del Monte, Monterey, California USA wrote in 1899 to Lord Mayor of Melbourne, who passed letter to police.  He was trying to locate his sister Annie WILSON, daughter of a Dr. WILSON of Australia who had died several years ago.  Annie had married Richard WRIGHT and lived in Melbourne about seven years ago.  The WIGGINS name was mentioned in letters from her.  24 pages, including a listing of all A. Wright entries in Victorian directory.

THALMOND, Francois.  Russian Consul enquires in 1883 on behalf of niece Therese KOSLOWSKI.  16 pages, List 52.

THIERRY, Jean Baptiste.  Sought by French Consul, Melbourne, in 1893 and 1895; not found.  10 pages, List 80.

THOM, A.G., born Aberdeen Scotland, went to Australia c1854, not heard of for 20 years, was then in Melbourne.  Information sought in 1909 by daughter M.A. WILSON, Warley, Birmingham, England.  Not found.  6 pages, List 59.

THOMAS, Lewis R., London England, wrote in 1914 re his brother John, c70 years, who arrived in Australia c50 years ago and was in Mildura area, but not heard from since 1905.  Partially traced.  7 pages, List 78.

THOMAS, Mary of Swansea South Wales wrote in 1894 re her son George, ‘years since he left home … would like to hear from him before I depart this life …’.  2 pages List 4.

THOMAS, R.J., County Surveyor, Buckinghamshire England, wrote in 1894 on behalf of mother of Hilmar de Wahlien AGA, a Norwegian, who had been in Melbourne for many years.  She was dying.  12 pages, List 4.

THOMPSON, Ada of Richmond Victoria wrote in 1915, asking for help in getting a maintenance order, issued nearly three years ago, complied with. She has a four year old child. Her husband John Hutchinson Thompson is an engineer in work at Gateshead England. Police write to English police, who find that he is living with his married sister Mrs. MILBURN and his reluctance to pay maintenance. 7 pages, List 8.

THOMPSON, Albert E., of Baltimore MD, USA, wrote in 1893 re William ALDWELL’s family.  Thompson wrote on behalf of his mother Selina, who is a first cousin.  1 page.

THOMPSON, Archibald, sought by niece Mrs MUNRO, Port Buchan, Broxburn, Linlithgow Scotland, in 1911.  He was a native of Edinburgh, a snuff manufacturer.  Not found.  4 pages, List 66.

THOMPSON, Bridget nee O’CONNOR, Halifax, Nova Scotia, wrote in 1912 re her brother John, not heard from since 1881 when in Preston, c75 years.  6 pages, List 72.

THOMPSON, John of Southall Green, Middlesex England, wrote in 1892, applying to join police force.  He was 31 years, had been in the Metropolitan Police London for nearly 11 years; copies of 3 references on file.  4 pages.

THOMPSON, John of Toronto Canada wrote in 1896 re Richard VERNON born 1786, may have been transported from England to Australia.  In 1869 someone advertised for his relatives.  Thompson’s mother is a joint legatee with Richard.  4 pages, incomplete file.

THOMPSON, Joseph M., of Burley, Cassia, Idaho, USA, wrote in 1917 re his uncle Robert or Michael WALKER, who emigrated from England to Australia many years ago, with an ‘Englishman of wealth who took men and all kinds of supplies for colonizing a new county. My uncle raised a large family … eldest son killed by a mad bull …’. Walker’s sister Elizabeth, now deceased is his mother, also had an aunt Ellen and a grandfather Walker, who lived in Tollington, Norfolk England. Reply states information too vague. 2 pages. List 6

THOMPSON, Mary.  J.R. LUNDON, solicitor, of Auckland New Zealand, wrote a detailed letter in 1906 regarding the death of this woman in the Immigrants Home in Melbourne in 1886.  He sought confirmation that she was the same person as a woman who arrived in Victoria with her family in 1856, (maiden name CAMERON), married and subsequently left her family in New Zealand.  His client is a daughter.  8 pages, List 19.

THOMPSON, Sarah Jane, Middleton Junction near Manchester England, wrote in 1913 re her son William LORD; not heard from for some time.  Found.  3 pages, List 75.

THOMSON, Jessie G. of Gowan St. Arbroath Scotland, wrote in 1899 re her son Stewart G. Thomson. She had given him money to set up in business but he had wasted it. Her last letter returned from G.P.O. 6 pages, List 17.

THOMSON, John Erskine (Dr.)  Information sought by his wife Louie, who wrote several letters from Paris, France between 1901 – 1905; he is living with another woman as his wife.  He is traced to various places.  59 pages, List 44.

THORN/THORNE, Edmund Paulus Niels, a Dane, died in Shanghai, China in 1920.  Danish Consul there writes trying to contact relatives.  Woman with whom Thorn/Thorne was living has not produced marriage certificate, but claims he was born in Melbourne in 1882 and has a son named Edwin.  8 pages.

THORPE, Frank or Frank Thorpe LINDSAY. New Scotland Yard UK, wrote in 1913 regarding three letters they had received from him. He was working on a ship, is separated from his wife and three children, and had formerly been in a lunatic asylum. Philip DONOVAN is mentioned in connection with his wife. 6 pages, List 15.

THORPE, Jabez, sought by Gloster S. WHITE, printer and publisher, Bathurst, in 1897.  His 84 year father is Thorpe’s cousin and only relative in the colonies.  Not heard from for 7 years.  5 pages, List 36.

THORPE, Thomas, wrote in 1917 re his son John George Thorpe, 20 yrs and single, who had arrived in Melbourne in 1914 and hadn’t been heard of since. Found by police. Photo and 7 pages. 

THORPE, William, sought by father W., Plaistow, London England, in 1913.  He was last heard of in Gippsland 20 years ago; hasn’t answered letters.  Found.  4 pages, List 64.

THROWER, Robert John, Catford, London England, wrote in 1914 re deceased brother William Drayton Thrower, who died in St Arnuad in 1913; asks details of his estate.  4 pages, List 76.

THURSFIELD, Mrs., of Congleton, Cheshire England wrote in 1892 re her sister Mrs. GUNNING who was living near Bairnsdale Victoria.  5 pages, List 2.

THURSTON, William and John, sought by Annie FOSBERRY, Gravesend Kent England in 1907, on behalf of their father Thomas who had met “with a very Bad accident”.  William was a butcher, born Williamstown, John born Gippsland.  Police established that Thomas married a widow, Rachel SMITH, and the two were her sons from a previous marriage.  Found, they state that he cleared out some years ago, and decline to help.  9 pages, List 56.

THYNAN, Mrs. Thomas.  Chief of Police, Montreal, Canada, wrote on her behalf in 1893; she was anxious about her brother Richard HAND.  5 Pages.

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TIBBE, Gerhardus, sought by Netherlands Consul on behalf of his wife in Amsterdam who hasn’t heard from him for 5 years.  Not found.  17 pages, List 80.

TIBBLE, Mrs. E., of Christchurch New Zealand, wrote in 1912 re her husband who deserted three months ago. He was a cook and baker, native of London and 48 years of age. 5 pages, List 14.

TICEHURST, Bernard William or GASSON, deserted his infant son in 1910 and went to Australia where he set up a butcher’s shop.  In 1913 his Beatrice Ethel URE asked police to find him.  Not found.  7 pages, List 74.

TICKEL, James, sought by sister Lydia WILLIAMS of North Monagan, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada in 1906.  He left Beaworthy, Devonshire c57 years ago.  Not found.  8 pages, List 31.

TICKLE, Thomas, sought by sister Charlotte HARRISON, Chicago, Ill., USA in 1894.  Believed to be in Castlemaine.  Not found.  2 pages, List 30.

TIDY, Jane, widow of Edward, accidentally killed near Auckland New Zealand in 1897.  Was a hotel proprietor in Rochester.  William BROWN of Brown & McCullach, Melbourne, her confidential agent, seeks details.  Copy of inquest on file.  12 pages, List 25.

TIERNEY, William, sought by sister Mrs Thomas SUTTON, Bilboa, Co Carlow Ireland in 1911.  Was in police force 30 years ago.  Found.  5 pages, List 65.

TIFFEN, J., Chief Engineer’s Office, Bulawayo Railway, South Africa, wrote in 1913 re his wife and children who were in Melbourne.  He has received a cable from his wife claiming she was robbed.  9 pages, List 75.

TILBURY, W., West Croydon, Surrey, England, wrote in 1905 for information on William CHURCHER, believed living in Melbourne.  5 pages, List 47.

TILLICH, Andreas.  Austro Hungarian Consul in Melbourne wrote re him in 1907, not found.  15 pages, List 23.

TIMBS, Frank, clerk, 22 years, described, ran away from parents. W.L. CHRYSTAL, Christchurch New Zealand, asks discreet enquiry in 1909.  Not found.  9 pages, List 41.

TIMMONS, E.J., Chief of Police, New Rochelle, New York USA, wrote in 1901 re his uncle Samuel CLUXTON who left Ireland and was supposed to have died in Australia in the 1850s. 2 pages, List 18.

TIPP, Mrs A. of Seattle, Washington USA, wrote in 1907, giving details below.  She was placed in the Industrial School when 7 years old.  There were three daughters, Mrs ARTHUR, Mrs DONLAN and herself.  7 pages, List 57.

TIPP, Mrs A. of Seattle, Washington USA, wrote in 1908. She was born in Rokewood 43 years ago, her parents being Andrena and William MAY. She is entitled to a share in her late mother’s estate. Police report that her mother left her assets to her grandchildren. 4 pages, List 13.

TIRONI, Nikolaus.  Sought by Austro-Hungarian Consulate in 1906; was from Dalmatia.  4 pages, List 19 .  CONNECTION FOUND.

TOBIN, Edmond and late John.  Chicago Detective Bureau USA wrote in 1909 seeking details of their families.  Edmond’s children were Ellen, Margaret, Minnie, Julia, Michael, Edward and Nora.  John’s were Ellen, Daniel, Nora and Johanna.  5 pages, List 61.

TOBIN, Mrs. Elizabeth, of Lowell, Massachusetts, USA, wrote in 1894 re her brother John WILLIAMS, born in Crook, Passage East County Waterford Ireland, whom she last heard from 35-36 years ago.  He would be 50-60 years of age, and owned some boats ‘that used to go up and down the Canal.’  3 pages, List 4.

TOBIN, Joanna, Concord, Massachusetts, USA, wrote in 1918 re her father Martin’s uncle Martin Tobin, twice married, had  daughters.  Some Tobin members contacted, but not found.  9 pages, List 55.

TODD, William.  Local vicar of Castle Eden, County Durham England, writes in 1892 re Todd, two years ago living in Melbourne.  His parents are anxious to hear from him.  6 pages, List 2.

TODHUNTER, Ada of Liverpool England wrote in 1919 re her husband Thomas, who had deserted her and their three children over two years.  He was a marine fireman aged 45 years.  5 pages.

TOGNOLINI, Antonio, sought by Italian Consul in Melbourne in 1915, on behalf of relatives in Italy. He was born c1855 and has lived in Australia for many years, is not identical with a person of that name who died in 1912. Police find a woman who lived with him is now living with PAROVACINA in the Mallee area, but Tognolini is not found. 14 pages, List 8.

TOLLEY, Charles H., Buffalo, New York, wrote in 1918, giving personal details and asking if he is likely to be able to get employment in Victoria.  He was a metal polisher.  5 pages, List 50.

TOLLEY, Edward Albert.  Several letters in 1907 from solicitors Kennedy & Lusk, Napier New Zealand, urging prosecution of him for bigamy in Victoria, but his wife withdraws guarantee of paying expenses, and the case now proceeds.  22 pages, List 55.

TOLLITT, Joseph, Liverpool England, wrote in 1908 re father Joseph, a slater and plasterer, who left there c26 years ago.  Found.  6 pages, List 59.

TOMBLIN, Joseph.  Scotland Yard wrote in 1906 re this person, also known as Benjamin OTWAY, who was sought for the murder in London of Florence SAUNDERS in 1897.  He was believed to have returned to the Colonies, was formerly at St. Arnaud.  His wife was found there and interviewed, but the offender was not found.  4 pages, List 19.

TOMES, Captain H.E. Sought in 1913 by Rev. A. Lamble [?] on behalf of wife and family in Ireland. He arrived c3 years ago, drinks heavily. Found. 12 pages, List 14.

TOMLINSON, Mrs. of Preston, Lancashire England wrote in 1915 re her daughter Agnes Gwendoline, who left there in 1912 and wrote she had married Frank Joseph WILLIAMS, but they hadn’t heard from her for two years. ‘She is our only daughter … Oh sir do please find out what has happened to her …’. Police find her living with Williams, a married man, his wife is about to bring divorce proceedings, but do not tell parents of her exact circumstances. 14 pages, List 8.

TOMLINSON, Ralph, Dorchester, Boston USA, in 1907 sought his details of his uncle Robert  who went to Australia 1844, believed died in the 1860s, leaving a large estate. No trace. 4 pages, List 57.

TOMLINSON, Thomas of South Shields Durham England wrote in 1906 re Jeremiah CHICKEY who left Leeds c50 years ago for Tasmania and was now supposed to be in Melbourne; he was about 80 years old.  Tomlinson wrote on behalf of Chickey’s niece.  4 pages.

TOMS, James, Otahuhu, Auckland New Zealand, asks for report on sister Mrs. Kate WATT of North Melbourne in 1902.  Her husband Adam has a drinking problem etc.  10 pages, List 42.

TOPHAM, Mrs. M. of Harehills, Leeds, Yorkshire, wrote in 1914 re her husband Fred, who has been in Melbourne a year, in the clothes trade. Police locate him. 4 pages, List 7.

TOUSSAINT, John H.A. Steenstra, ex coffee planter in Java, in 1909 at the Hague, Holland, wrote seeking family details of his uncle Pybo Karel Sjourd Steenstra Toussant, born 1824.  Not found.  7 pages, List 62.

TOWNSEND, H., London, sought his sister Mrs GRAVES, Moonee Ponds, in 1918. He had been wounded in the war.  Found, letters had gone astray.  5 pages, List 80.

TOWNSEND, Patrick, sought by niece Mrs Julia WALSH, Ocean Grove, New Jersey, USA in 1908.  He was born in Co Kilkenny Ireland and left in 1864.  Not found.  5 pages, List 59. 

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TRACEY, Charles, sought by Mrs. J. BARNES, Cape Town South Africa in 1914. He was late chief steward of the S.S. South Africa which trades between there and Melbourne. She is the widow of the late Sub Inspector Barnes. Not found. 6 pages, List 14.  Another enquiry from her, and this time he is found.  9 pages, List 78.

TRAIN, John H. of Los Angeles, wrote in 1897 re his brother Francis J. and wife Annie, both of whom accused each other of misbehaviour.  Police find she is living with a man named DAWSON.  8 pages, List 18.

TRAIN, Robert of Denver Colorado wrote in 1892 re his brother Francis Joseph, aged 24 years.  Their uncles were William and Robert Francis.  4 pages.

TRASK, Mrs. of London England wrote in 1902 re brother Henry HOPWOOD, then aged about 60 years, and whether his children were legitimate as he lived with several women.  16 pages, some torn.

TRAVERS, Jessie Louisa, of Wimbledon London England, wrote in 1914 re her son Arthur Percival Travers, who left England in 1913 with friend Leslie Stewart Langley FRASER; she has not heard from him. Fraser found, but not Travers. 8 pages and photo, List 7.

TRAVERS, Robert Pennison, Haverhill, Mass., USA, wrote in 1913 re brother William Bruno, who arrived in Melbourne in 1869 from Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, with uncle and aunt Robert and Agnes BELLING and his sister Maud Tavers.  Maud married James SHORT.  It is some time since he has heard from them.  Not found.  7 pages, List 74.

TRIGG, Edmund Barton, sought by wife, Cardiff, South Wales, in 1914.  He left London in 1906, hasn’t sent any maintenance, believed in Melbourne.  His brother Henry Stirling Trigg was in Perth.  Found.  10 pages, List 78.

TRONSEN, Andreas/Andrew, born Drammen, Norway, left there in the 1860s for England, where he was known as Peter ERIKSON.  In 1909 his brother Karl M. Tronsen, Milwaukee, USA, asked police to find him.  Their mother and sister Petra had died.  Not found.  6 pages, List 60.

TROTTER, Frank R., wrote from Seattle USA in 1896 re Henry L. Trotter, born Co. Meath Ireland, living in Melbourne ‘a good many years.’ Not found.  6 pages, List 34.

TROTTER, John C.S.  Wrote to relatives in Edinburgh Scotland in 1897, claiming to be very ill and asking financial help for his wife and four children.  They contact solicitors who write asking confirmation; police advise he died of consumption.  8 pages, List 25.

TRUAN, Mrs. Elizabeth, wrote from St. Just Falmouth Cornwall in 1895 re her brother John ROBINS, who left 43 years ago; she has heard nothing since.  2 pages, List 28.

TUCKER, Albert J. of Hintham/Flintham, Newark on Trent, Notts, England, wrote in 1894 re John HARRIS of Exeter England.  Harris was a farmer in 1868; Tucker writes on behalf of John’s sister, Elizabeth TUCKER.  5 Pages, List 4.

TUCKER, Anthony, Captain 1st Cheshire Regiment Bombay India, wrote in 1892 re W.H. OSMAND who left England in 1887.  3 pages.

TUCKER, Charles Edward, sought by mother Eliza of Fairfield South, Kingston on Thomas, England in 1900. She wrote on black bordered paper. He left for Melbourne 12 years ago, and she hasn’t heard in a long time. Found. 3 pages, List 13.

TUCKER, Eliza, wrote from Fairfield South Kingston in 1901, has not heard from her son Charles for some months.  Found, has a business in Lonsdale Street.  3 pages, List 39.

TUCKER, Eliza, 91 years, Bayswater, London England, wrote in 1911, has not heard from son Charles for some months.  Found.  6 pages, List 69.

TUCKER, John L., Mortimer, north of England, went to Toronto with wife in 1852 and left for the Australian goldfields in 1854, leaving behind a daughter, to whom he wrote c1866.  Hasn’t been heard from again.  In 1903 C.R. BAUM of Minneapolis, Minnesota, wrote seeking him.  His mother in law is the daughter.  Not found.  4 pages, List 46.

TUCKER, Stephen or John, sought by Francis Tucker Jnr, Bishop Auckland, County Durham England, in 1919, on behalf of his parents.  His grandfather Philip was a brother of Stephen and John, and they were all sons of Francis.  They left Cornwall for Australia and were last heard of in 1876.  Not found.  12 pages, List 76.

TUCKER, Thomas. Sought by mother Louisa of Southville, Bristol England. He arrived in Aust. c2 years ago, was a sailor aged 27 yrs. Police found a person of the same name, aged 55 yrs, who thinks he’s an uncle. 10 pages, List 6.

TUDBALL, Amos James, sought by daughter E. Tudball, Washford, Taunton, Somerset England in 1906.  He left there 30 years ago for Australia; she and her mother joined him, but returned after he got into trouble.  8 pages, List 50/

TUGWELL, James, private detective, Brighton England, wrote in 1902, advising that his brother Henry embezzled money in Melbourne some years prior and is now living in Sutton, Surrey and well off.  Police find a warrant was issued in 1887, but the company is in liquidation and no-one is interested in a prosecution.  James claims he also is owed money.  7 pages, List 43.

TUNNICLIFFE, W., Stepney, London, wrote in 1908 re his aunt Mrs Ann SUMMONS, who had a hotel at Echuca 20 years ago; she is his mother’s sister.  She visited London and took his 17 year old sister Emma back to Australia with her, she would now be about 35 years.  Found.  9 pages, List 57.

TURA, Battista. Sought by Italian Consul in Melbourne in 1920; had arrived c40 years before. Found. 6 pages, List 9.

TURLEY, Robert, 30 years, born Glasgow, hairdresser, left wife Agnes in 1913 and failed to send maintenance.  In 1915 the Glasgow Parish Council wrote, and he promised to send money, but still hadn’t done so by 1917.  13 pages, List 49.

TURNER, C.J. Ribton, wrote from Upper Norwood London England in 1893, re W.J. BURNHAM alias J.W. ALVAN, to Assistant Commissioner of Police, New Scotland Yard,London.  Burnham deserted his wife there and went to Australia; his wife is sister in law to Mr. SARGENT, agent for the Marquis of Northampton in Warwickshire.  They suspect Burnham has committed bigamy.  Victorian police find he is living with a Mrs. WEDGE, who is the daughter of Charles FRIEND, one time police magistrate in Tasmania, and whose husband divorced her for adultery with HODGSON.  21 pages, List 3.   Couple still living in Victoria in 1894, when Pastor Allan W. WEBB asks if bigamy is true, as they are in his congregation.  Incomplete file, 2 pages, List 18.

TURNER, Isabella, Aspen Grove, Lodge Lane, Liverpool, England, wrote in 1911 re her cousin James ROBERTSON, who had emigrated to the Australian goldfields prior to 1850, and was last heard from c1862.  He had a brother John and a sister Isabella CAMERON in Aberdeen, Scotland.  File lists all James Robertson entries located.  14 pages.

TURNER, Mrs. R.A., Rogers Hill, Worcester England, wrote in 1901 re her son Harry A. Turner, a baker, whom she had not heard from in over 3 years; found in Ballarat.  10 pages, List 4A.

TURNLEY, Charles Beckett.  South African solicitors wrote on behalf of his wife Ellen in 1919; he was believed to have been in Melbourne since 1908.  Found.  7 pages, List 82.

TWOHIG, Michael, Mary and Bridget (Mrs Edward JONES), natives of Shanagolden Co Limerick, Ireland, were sought in 1919 by their sister Maggie’s son Daniel McCARTHY of Lissarda, Kilmurry, Co Cork, Ireland.  10 pages, List 82.

TYLER, Fannie L. of San Francisco.  Wrote to brother George in 1884; she was married with school age children.  Among a loose collection of folded pieces of paper, which included a letter to the Mayor of Melbourne from John C. MacDougall, stating that the bearer ‘who was connected with the press but has lost his hearing’ was in need of help.  Also included is a printed flyer for the American Novelty Co. of Eastern Arcade, and a collection of pencilled advertising slogans and poems.  No file, just the above pieces of paper.  List 18.

TYLER, Mrs. T.G., nee Kate Eliza HANN; information sought by High Commissioner, Australia House, London, on behalf of Mr. J. HOWES of Feltham, Middlesex England in 1919. Found. 6 pages, List 17.

TYRRELL, Elizabeth Clydesdale, of Dracut Mass. USA, wrote in 1894 re her brother David CLYDESDALE, a native of Paisley Scotland, who was in Melbourne c30 years ago.  3 pages, List 4.

TYRRELL, F.R. St Lawrence, District Inspector of the Royal Irish Constabulary, Callooney, Co. Sligo, Ireland, wrote in 1905 re his brother Markham TYRRELL, then in Australia, who had served as a naval cadet and as 2nd officer on a ship, but was addicted to drink.  13 pages. TYRRELL, Joseph, wrote from Ballymahon, Co. Westmeath Ireland in 1895 re his brother James, who left there for Australia 7 years ago, would now be 27 years old.  Has heard he has been killed; confirmed and details provided.  5 pages, List 28.

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