Criminal & Other Case Files T-V

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TABERNACLE RAGGED SCHOOL RELIEF MISSION & NIGHT SHELTER.  23 & 25 Cremorne St. Richmond.  One page history to 1901, started 1894.  List 15.

TAIT, G., Miss., Darlinghurst NSW, in 1919 asks police to find her luggage which was not on the ship when she arrived from Melbourne.  Found on another vessel, police in NSW find she has moved to Moss Vale and is living with a man as Mr and Mrs HILL.  14 pages, List 111.

TAFFE/TAIT, Joseph, 75 years, found wandering in Prahran, temporarily boarded with Mrs. Eleanor DALY while family sought; found in Beaconsfield Parade and report he has done this before. 11 pages, List 51.

TAIT, K., writes from Buninyong in 1910, asking if there is anything she can do to Percy WHYKES who has made her daughter Una pregnant.  Her husband took him to court for maternity expenses, but lost the case.  5 pages, List 24.

TALENT, James, Mt Dandenong, Croydon, sought by daughre Annie GALLUS, Subiaco, WA, in 1914; not heard from for some years.  Found.  6 pages, List 113.

TALFORD/TELFORD, James, stops runaway horse and dray, owner Henry McDONOUGH of East Collingwood, in Melbourne in 1870, asks reward.  Driver Patrick SKEHAN was delivering potatoes. 4 pages, List 30.

TALINTYRE, Robert.  Wrote two letters of complaint from Campbell’s Creek near Castlemaine in 1906 about an unnamed local constable behaving improperly with a married woman.  Local inspector reports that the actual writer is Mrs. LEE, wife of an engine driver, who had a relationship with Constable Clifford JENKIN, No. 3529 and is now seeking revenge.  5 pages, List 3.

TALMAGE, Harry, Grantham, Cowra NSW, wrote in 1913 seeking details of his brother William’s death near Rushworth.  8 pages, List 94.

TAMAGNO, Tommaso.  Italian Consul in Melbourne wrote in 1877 re him and Guiseppe CARBARINO, who had both died, asking for property details.  7 pages, List 5

TANTON, A.A., Hawthorn, wrote in 1915 re son Hector, 15 yrs, who left home a year ago for Sydney.  He has sent money for his return home, but hasn’t arrived.  6 pages, List 115.

TANSEY, Matilda.   Investigation into her destitute state, has three illegitimate children, 1896.  21 pages, List 3.  

‘TARARUA’ GOLD ROBBERY. 1880, large file. Martin WEINBERG interviewed; large reward offered.  List 1.

TATE, Edward, c60 years, prospector, single, left Coolgardie WA in 1917 for medical treatment in Melbourne and not returned.  Sister M. MARSHALL, Cheltenham enquires; not seen by family for 30 years. 15 pages, List 74.

TATT, Annie Amelia, 9 years, Porcupine Flat Maldon.  Allegation that she had been interfered with by family friend Thomas CLARKE in 1896.  8 pages, List 36.

TAYLOR, Ada, Yarrawonga Hotel, Yarrawonga, applied for women’s police force in 1916.  2 pages, List 78.

TAYLOR, Albert W.  Wrote from Fitzroy in 1919, seeking admission into police force.  He was university educated, well travelled, a civil engineer and surveyor, 37 yrs etc.  3 pages, List 5.

TAYLOR, Colin Sutherland, Subiaco, W.A., wrote in 1913 seeking his brother James, supposedly in Richmond.  Found.  Two letters, 11 pages, List 109.

TAYLOR, Dora, sought by mother Mrs. W. McCOURT of St. Peters, Sydney, in 1900.  Found in brothel in Melbourne, but mother not told details.  8 pages, List 45.

TAYLOR, E., Launceston Tasmania, wrote in 1909, asking police to find Mrs CLAKE, who was housekeeping for F. WEATHERSTONE at Bendigo, and has left her 13 year old son with her.  Found.  5 pages, List 90.

TAYLOR, Elizabeth. Abortionist; convicted in WA in 1908.  File contains details of charges against her for abortions on Julia G. WARBURTON 1886, Celestine FROST 1882, Eve LATHAN 1891; and Nellie [Ellen] CARTER in Victoria.  List 1.

TAYLOR, Ellen, and mother Ellen, Geelong.  Committed for trial in 1900 for concealment of birth; child buried in backyard.  37 pages, List 44

TAYLOR, Fanny, Blayney, NSW, wrote in 1902 re a warrant she had taken out on Joseph SHERER for maintenance of her child; believes he is in Victoria.  11 pages, List 61.

TAYLOR, Frank, sought by Josie SAMUELS, Lawrence, NSW in 1911; owes maintenance on her child; butcher born Bendigo.  A sad story of how he has betrayed her and how she has lost a bequest from India.  6 pages, List 95.

TAYLOR, George, Fitzroy, committed suicide in 1911, husband of Violet.  Report on case.  7 pages, List 98.

TAYLOR, George, enquired for by wife Bessie, who wrote from Adelaide in 1912.  He was employed by Aust. Workers Union, but left them and went to Dimboola, then Melbourne.  He was a carpenter.  Further letter in 1913, when she is working at Broken Hill and has her daughter with her.  Extensive search fails to find him.  29 pages, List 33.

TAYLOR, Leslie. (Squizzie) 1918 Criminal Offence Report of claim by Sarah DALVEAN of 122 Lt. Lonsdale St., Melbourne, that he used threatening words to her and her son. Verbatim recording of foul language used is pretty bad.  List 1.


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TEAGUE, Linden Stafford, deserted wife in 1904 in Bowral.  In 1907 she wrote from Randwick NSW and requested search.  5 pages, List 70.

TEBBLE, Elizabeth Florence, 22 years, of Kobyboyn near Seymour, gave birth to illegitimate child while alone on property.  Child died and she hid it in bush.  Graphic detail of what happened to body.  She died shortly afterwards; was the daughter of John and Sarah.  Report includes evidence of Alfred SATTERLY who worked on property, as well as family members and runs to 22 pages.  Inquest is also on file and it is 25 pages.  List 25.

TEESE, Victor, Euroa, applied to join police force in 1906.  John GROSVENOR writes he is the father of his daughter’s illegitimate child.  4 pages, List 26.

TEHAN, John.  Applies to join police force in 1897; his father James is a magistrate at Heathcote and respectable; police report brother involved in a maintenance case.  7 pages, List 6.

TELFER, Catherine, writes from Diapur near Nhill in 1902.  She and her 8 children are starving.  Husband James is in Ballarat gaol for failure to pay maintenance.  Police arrange support.  16 pages, List 19.

TELFORD, Abner Alfred, wrote from Stawell in 1928; his daughter Marion Isobel was missing.  She, aged 17, was believed to be with a married man, a returned soldier, named Charles JONES, c40 years.  Photo of Marion and her siblings on file, taken some years previously.  1 page, List 57.

TEMPLE/McGEE, Eveline Annie Jessie. Bizarre story of how she deceived her lover Louis FRANK (a travelling salesman) into registering the birth of two children as his, with her as mother, when she had received them from two different mothers, 1906. Copy of certificates on file show children were Linda, daughter of Mary Ann Day STORER, and Harry Heyward, son of Hannah BROMILOW, who were re-registered as Violet Betty and Eric Sigismund.   She had done a similar thing some years previously. No prosecution.   26 pages, List 4.

TEMPLE, T.R., wrote from Adelaide Sth Australia in 1912 re 60 year old father Harry Stephen Temple, formerly telegraph operator at GPO there, lately in Melbourne.  Has heard of his death; no record of death, not found.  4 pages, List 35.

TEMPLETON, Matthew, charged with cruelty and neglect of nephews James Randle  and William BROWN at Wando Bridge in 1915.  Their mother was dead and the father had deserted them. Copy of depositions and birth certificate of James on file.  James then went to W.D. DAVIS, grazier, Casterton, and William to Percival WOOD, also of Wilkin.  33 pages, List 114.

TEMPLETON, Ruby Mary. Daughter of Francis, married Alfred George PALMER in 1913, gave birth to a child by Jack SMITH in Bendigo while Palmer was away at war, and registered it with Smith as her husband. Her sister Doris Myrtle Templeton gave birth to a stillborn child in 1918 also in Bendigo. Anonymous letter re their morals.  List 1.

TENNANT, William Davidson, registered the death of Dorothy, his child with Elizabeth ORDISH in 1900.  He is wanted for wife desertion but states his first wife was already married when he married her; report on case.  15 pages, List 52.

TERRY, Alfred, married Gladys Flora Clara RICHARDSON in 1896; Mrs. Joan Watson SMITH signed as her guardian, but she was not as her mother was still alive, and did not approve.  Mother complains to police.  11 pages, List 37.

TEW, Thomas, wrote from near Queenstown, South Australia in 1894, re his daughter Mary Ann, who left home and was believed living with Charles MARTIN at the Leongatha Labour Colony as his wife.  Martin had two other wives, both living.  Police find a warrant from Goulburn for wife desertion is in existence.  14 pages, List 38.

THACKRAY, William Harold, deserted wife Sylvia and child in Sydney in 1915.  In 1917 she heard he was on a ship coming to Australia and asks police help.  He is arrested.  6 pages, List 71.

THAKIS, Irene, 17 years, left her home in Adelaide in 1917 with married man DILLON and went to Melbourne.  Her mother wrote to police asking for help in getting her to return home, and her aunt Mrs. DAY comes to Melbourne.  Dillon’s aunt Mrs. PHILLIPS located, as is Irene, who is pregnant.  5 pages, List 72.

THAMM, Daphne Elizabeth, 16 years gave birth of Walter Bertram Thamm in Ballarat in 1918; she claimed the father was returned soldier Dugald McMASTER of Ouyen.  A very detailed report on a possible carnal knowledge charge, but not proceeded with.  Her mother was Mrs A’BECKETT and her grandmother Elizabeth WOODALL.  20 pages, List 111.

THISTLETON, Patrick, sometimes known as Jack, sought on behalf of father George of Benalla.  11 pages, List 100.

THOMAS, Charles, 16 years, left his home in Ivanhoe to go to work in Melbourne, and has not returned.  Mother thinks he may have gone to Tasmania, but not found there.  5 pages, List 44.

THOMAS, D.A., JP, wrote from Customs House, Cobram in 1896, complaining that F. LONGMORE, chemist of Melbourne, had not sent the ‘Royal Hair Restorer’ he ordered and paid for.  Longmore interviewed, delay in production.  7 pages, List 37.

THOMAS, George E., The Strand, Newport; flour mill owner.  Solicitor’s letter re his application for renewal of driving licence in 1917; lost thru drink driving.  3 pages, List 74.

THOMAS, George Ellis.  Sought by his brother in law Henry DUTTON of Kapunda, Sth Aust., in 1908.  He had been at Ballarat, had a brother and nephew in Melbourne.   Not found.  12 pages, List 3.

THOMAS, Harry Jack Vane, attempt to charge him with unlawfully supplying noxious drugs to Vera Phyllis LOWE at Yarra Junction with intent to procure a miscarriage in 1912.  Her mother Jessie makes claim.  12 pages, List 103.

THOMAS, John Herbert, Pelaw Main, Kurri Kurri, NSW, wrote in 1908 re his daughter Sarah Ellen (Nellie), 21 years, who was employed by Mrs CANTOR of Middle Park.  Hasn’t heard from her for some months; found using name of MILLAR.  6 pages, List 85.

THOMAS, Joseph.  Wrote from Marrickville Sydney in 1894 querying delay in return of photograph from Star Portrait Co in Geelong, suspects fraud.  Letterhead of firm on file.  8 pages, List 13.

THOMAS, John Leonard Basil, ordered by East Melbourne court to pay maintenance for Arthur Vincent WRIGHT, child of Emma; she has gone to work interstate.  6 pages, List 63.

THOMAS, R.F., teacher, Public School, Unkya Creek via Frederickton, NSW, wrote in 1900, seeking address of Mr. and Mrs. E. GARDNER of Richmond on behalf of her sister in UK who has heard she has died.  Found alive.  5 pages, List 43.

THOMAS, William.  Died suddenly in Melbourne in 1903; was a hairdresser, from Adelaide.  Letters of reference and one from his wife on file.  17 pages, List 4.

THOMLINS, Lillian, attempted suicide at Coburg in 1911; 24 years, taken to hospital by William RUBELL.  Sister Mrs Thomas DOBSON, Ascot Vale.  13 pages, List 100.

THOMLINSON, Mrs. Harriet nee PORTER, Great Western, wrote in 1917 re her husband Lieut. Will.  Thomlinson.  She had to send their children Grace, Pearl and John to him when she was admitted to hospital; he won’t send them back.  Interviewed, he claims she is not fit to have them.  10 pages, List 75.

THOMPSON, Agnes.  Left her illegitimate son George at the Women’s Refuge in 1880 and hadn’t paid maintenance; letter from her on file.  Susanna BARKER, Sec. of the Refuge writes to police.  22 pages, List 4.

THOMPSON, Agnes, Kogarah, Sydney, wrote in 1910 re sister Kate, now Mrs Arthur FORSTER.  Found.  5 pages, List 98.

THOMPSON, Albert, c42 years, sought by brother in law James CROSS Glenbrook near Sydney in 1913; he deserted his wife and 3 children at Lancaster England, arriving in Victoria c18 months ago and was last heard of at Mansfield. Fund. 7 pages, List 106.

THOMPSON, Albert James.  Sought by Lavinia THOMPSON of Sydney in 1908.  He was part Chinese, a butcher, supposed to have come to Melbourne to open a shop; breach of promise case.  Not found.  4 pages, List 10.

THOMPSON, Alfred John.  Information sought by Arthur O. HALL, solicitor of Geelong, in 1908.  In 1904 Thompson’s then wife Jessie Wilson Thompson nee KNIGHT, divorced him.  Present wife is living with him in Adelaide and ‘is terrified of him.’  Asks for Thompson’s criminal record but police refuse.  5 pages, List 10.

THOMPSON/THOMSON, Mrs. Annie.  Widow of John Dobkin THOMPSON, Captain of the Transit.  Went missing from her home in Hawthorn in 1876; is 46yrs, speaks German fluently; her stepfather was Mr. HOLMES.  Her son Alfred THOMPSON, 23yrs, committed suicide a few weeks later.  Police think she may have been killed, but subsequently she is found in country Victoria.  BEASLEY family involved.  32 pages, photo of her on file.  List 6.

THOMPSON, Annie, c/- Mr. John CONDON, Forest Lodge, Sydney, wrote in 1896 re a newspaper report of an Albert Thompson arrested for pick pocketing.  Her husband deserted her, is this him.  No.  7 pages, List 35.

THOMPSON, Bernard, deserted wife Mary at Benalla in 1913.  Taken to court, he promises to pay maintenance but doesn’t.  Subsequently they are reconciled.  12 pages, List 109.

THOMPSON, Charles Ernest, lithographer, arrived in Melbourne from South Africa in 1908 and some  months later disappeared while on board a ship to Tasmania.  Report on incident, his possessions etc.  25 pages, List 54.

THOMPSON, David, went missing from Glen Wills in 1890; born Aberdeen Scotland, miner, c50 years, was prospecting for tin.  Police eventually take possession of his property; no known relatives in colony.  In 1899 a skeleton found at Lightning Creek was identified as him.  32 pages, List 41.

THOMPSON, Emmerson, born Weardale Co Durham England, left for Australia 30-40 years ago, would be 60-70 years old; in 1911 his nephew Joseph Thompson of Hay NSW asked police to trace him.  Not found.  3 pages, List 99.

THOMPSON, Harold, alias ‘Bush’ Thompson, complains in 1915 that he has been called a criminal in a court case; has only been convicted once in 12 years etc.  Detailed report; is living with prostitute Jessie WEBB.  11pages, List 114.

THOMPSON, John Andrew, found unconscious in a Melbourne street in 1899 by Thomas SCULLY of Carlton.  Taken to hospital and subsequently died.  Aunts were Mrs. CONAWAY and Mrs. SHIELL.  He was a native of Newcastle, England, a clerk.  9 pages, List 49.

THOMPSON, Kate, sought by brother in law Frank T. FRANKCOMBE, Blackwood Creek via Bracknell, Tasmania, in 1914.  Not heard from for a year.  Found.  5 pages, List 112.

THOMPSON, Mary Ann.  Died at Bendigo in 1861, leaving 4 children, from 4 months to 11 years.  She was living with – Thompson, and youngest child was by him, but elder 3 were from deceased husband (name not given) but known as Thompson.  The youngest child died shortly afterwards, a girl was sent to the Benevolent Asylum, one boy given to Messrs Heffernan and Crowley and the other, John, to Thomas MORGAN of Eaglehawk , but taken away by Coroner as he was not Catholic, and he wanted to place him with a Catholic family.  Morgan makes formal complaint as do local Ministers.  23 pages, List 13.

THOMPSON, Nellie, Ascot Vale, attempted suicide in 1913 after quarrel with Mathew COCKERELL.  9 pages, List 106.

THOMSON, Mrs. Isabella, Norwood Hill, Castlemaine, wife of William, tannery hand, died 1896 after giving birth to stillborn child after difficult labour.  Cause certified by Drs OWENS and WOOLLEY as heart disease.  File re whether to exhume body and hold inquest.  Nurse was Ellen WEBB.  9 pages, List 36.

THOMSON, Ivy.  Injured at South Morang on Cup Day 1908 when youths rolled a stone down a hill.  Father W. Thomson asks police to name boys involved, which they do.  The boys were all from Brunswick:  A. CARTER, J. STOREN, E. FRANNERY, Charles JOHNSTON, Richard GILBERT, John HOGAN, George BROWN.  13 pages, List 10.

THORNBURN FAMILY.  Mrs. PARK of Dundas Sydney NSW wrote in 1902 regarding Walter, 12 years, Leslie George 11 years and Eric 9 years, who were born in India.  Their mother, who was highly educated and the daughter of Rev. SLATER of Bangalore, died there; she is their father’s sister.  She has cared for them for over a year, but the father has taken them  back to Melbourne, after she asked for money for maintenance.  She is worried they are being neglected.  Very detailed report on family.  15 pages, List 20.

THORNE, Walter James, deserted wife Sarah Ann nee COOMBES at Ballarat in 1915; he was a boilermaker, 25 years.  Found interstate in 1917.  15 pages, List 72.

THORNLEY, Lily Theresa, 10 years, daughter of Margaret KHAN alias RILEY/HOGAN/HOULIGAN.  Mother arrested for larceny in 1901 and Lily taken into police custody and cared for by Mrs KEEGAN of Morwell.  5 pages, List 89.

THORPDALE.  Petition from residents re having police stationed there; 2 pages of signatures, headed by F. DICKINSON; report on situation, and refusal.  13 pages, List 26.

THORPE, J., wrote from Govt. Printing Office, Brisbane in 1895, concerned about his father C., aged 78 years, who was living alone in Williamstown and asking police to keep an eye out for him.  7 pages, List 29.

THORPE, John Fulford.  Information sought by wife K. Thorpe, Melbourne in 1899; last heard of in Perth.  Found.  6 pages, List 42.

THORSEN, Frank, admitted to Homes of Hope Orphanage Collingwood in 1893, 6 years old.  Father’s whereabouts unknown, mother destitute.  She visited him a few times, but would not contribute to his keep.  In 1900 she wishes to make contact with him, but Home refuses, so she approaches police for assistance.  He is working for J. BARROW of Spring Hill Kyneton, and states he is happy there, but subsequently goes to his mother.  8 pages, List 45.

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TICEHURST, Mrs. B., Wallend…. NSW, wrote in 1903 re Edward WEEKS, Indian trader, who died in Melbourne in 1892.  She is his wife; he left her and their children at Binalong in 1873.  Police find he left his estate to his wife Polly.  6 pages, List 66.

TIERNEY FAMILY, Elsternwick.  Anonymous letter in 1899 complains they are abusing their only son William.  Police find he was strapped for missing school, has returned home and will be sent to Christian Brothers School at Geelong.  Parents given good character.  6 pages, List 42.

TIERNEY, Mrs. Mary.  Poisoned at Goroke in 1905.  Two letters from her mother and comments on the case, which was not solved.  30 pages, List 65.

TILLOTSON, Mattie, appointed cook at police hospital in 1910; agreement on file.  She replaced J.G. CONROY who had resigned.  3 pages, List 54.

TILSLEY, Walter Nicklin, Wellington New Zealand, wrote in 1902 re his grandparents, James Tilsley, civil engineer,  and wife, last heard of at Beechworth.  They had two sons and an adopted daughter.  Family found.  13 pages, List 42.

TIMBER SORTERS & STACKERS UNION.  Large file detailing with a strike by the union in 1910, which affected ship loading and unloading.  List 94.

TIMOTHEE, Charles Joseph, tinsmith.  Attempted suicide at Burwood in 1902; sister Mrs. John SLATTERY of Carlton traced.  Report on incident and costs incurred etc.  24 pages, List 62.

TIMS, Edward George Jnr., Kent Town, South Australia, wrote in 1915 re his father Edward, a photographer, last heard of 30 years ago.  8 pages, List 81.

TINHAM, Alice Mary, left Sydney with a married man and had a child to him.  Sister Elizabeth HEATH seeks information in 1907.  Not found.  8 pages, List 84.

TIPPETT, Alfred, sought by mother Doris GOODRDIDGE, Sydney, in 1909.  Two letters she received from Bert DERNELLY of Melbourne are on file.  Report states he was a deserter from the US Fleet visit.  Not found.  14 pages, List 90.

TIPPING, James, head teacher, Stanley State School No. 550, writes several letters 1900-1901 re poor response to lawlessness of local constable MORNEMENT.  23 pages, List 52.

TIVOLI THEATRE.  Letter from Clifton CLARKE, on behalf of Hugh D. McINTOSH, on Tivoli letterhead, in 1915.  Asks police to patrol Rainbow Alley to stop men urinating there, as their female staff have to pass down the lane.  4 pages, List 117.

TOBIN, Thomas Martin, 53 years, Abbotsford, brush maker, attempted suicided in 1913; report on family situation.  8 pages, List 93.

TOBOLKA, Franz, hatter.  Information sought by Austro-Hungarian Consul in 1909.  Found interstate, activities listed.  13 pages, List 89.

TOC H.  Ray Baxter, secretary, wrote in 1938 re plans to establish Boy’s Clubs in industrial suburbs of Melbourne.  Report on establishment, particularly the Fred. Walker’s Boys Club in Middle Park.  12 pages, List 2.

TODD, Amy.  Number of letters in 1912 re rude constable who asked her mother and herself to move from their seats in the Town Hall.  14 pages, List 4.

TODD, Ellen, possibly dau of Hannah Elizabeth, born Ballarat; lived with Mrs SALTER, St Kilda, for 10 years, maintenance paid by Dr MOORE of Carlton.  Mons A. LIET writes (in French) to the Chief Commissioner about her in 1874. She lived with Mrs. SALTER of St. Kilda for ten years; . She has absconded, is aged 14-15 years.  List 1.

TODD, Phillip.  Photo of him on St. Kilda beach in 1928.  Has been separated from file which hasn’t been located.  List 59.  

TOFTER, Ellen or BAKER, 62 years, widow, sought in 1911 by her brother William BARTLETT Snr., Tenterfield, NSW.  Believed with daughter Mrs BEAGLOWE.  Found.  9 pages, List 95.

TOKELY, F., New Farm Brisbane, sent telegram in 1912 asking police to watch for wife who had left him and their two children and sailed for Melbourne under name of PALMER.  Physical description given.  Later note says landed in Sydney.  6 pages, List 32.

TOKELY, F.M., wrote from New Farm Brisbane in 1912.  His wife has left him with their two children, 3 and 5, and sailed for Melbourne.  They recently came from New Zealand.  She had a ‘very dark complexion … is considered a very fine looking woman’.  Not found.  7 pages, List 33.

TOLLEY, Mary, nee BRANDON. Married Edward Tolley in 1889 in New Zealand; he subsequently married a Miss McLEOD in Melbourne in 1906. Mary writes that she has got a divorce but he should be charged with bigamy, 1908. Police state that it is not their affair.  List 1.

TOLMIE, Ethel Matilda, 17 years, sought by Mrs Jean STEWART, Richmond, in 1914; also known as Athol Stewart.  She was adopted by Stewart about 7 years ago.  Love letter from J.A. PEAKE, buglar [?] on board mail Steamer Morea on file, along with a photo of her.  Found.  13 pages.  List 112.

TOLSTRUP, Victor, attempted suicide in 1909; 17 years, son of Margaret and Charles.  12 pages, List 53.

TOMROFF, Ernest Sylvester Frederick, sought by State Children’s Department, South Australia, in 1915.  He was a Russian, 23 years.  He had a child with Gladys HALL.  Found.  13 pages, List 80.

TOMROP, Ernest Sylvester Frederick, 23 years, sought by State Children’s Department, South Australia in 1914.  Russian sailor.  5 pages, List 113.

TONER, James.  Son of Patrick, by his first marriage.  Investigation into him and possible bigamous marriage, wife Emma mentioned, 1894.  16 pages, List 13.

TONGIO HOTEL near Omeo.  Stables and horses destroyed by fire in 1900.  Owner of hotel was Rebecca FAULKINGHAM and the licensee was Thomas CARMODY.  Horses owned by Miss FERRIS of Morass Creek.  The fire was first seen by Anthony GALL and Arthur ESBERG who were camped nearby.  Drinkers at the hotel were James ELLIS, Fred CONDON, Robert KING, and employee John Isaac JACKSON.  17 pages, List 45.

TONKIN, E., wrote from Portland in 1896, enclosing letter from M.J. [Mary Jane??]  GRIFFITH, c/- Mrs. COPLEY, Perth, W.A. advising of death of his sister Bessie, at the home of Mr. EVANS at Mullewa, W.A.  A most moving letter from Griffith.  Police confirm claim.  10 pages, List 37.

TONKIN, William, Northcote, in 1910 asked details of the death of his son William at Chiltern.  8 pages, List 93.

TOOHEY, Frederick William, 9 years, fell down sewer shaft in Carlton in 1900; child William MOXON witnessed event.  4 pages, List 48.

TOOKER, M.G., wrote from Rockhampton in1901.  His sister Mrs. BEAMISH had married Reginald BRAY, a  Victorian policeman in 1876 and had a daughter the same year.  She died c1881 and the child has lived with the writer ever since.  Asks police to provide details of the marriage.  4 pages, List 49.

TOOLEY, Ellen, North Melbourne, enquires for the whereabouts of her grandchildren Thomas, Margaret, Elizabeth and Ellen ALLEN, committed to State care by the Footscray Bench in 1912.  7 pages, List 104.

TOPHAM, George.  Died at Grant in 1866 ‘without money or mates’.  File re police burial and reimbursement of costs.  Michael HURLEY conveyed corpse to cemetery; T.B. WILSON built the coffin, their invoices on file.  Topham was known to James C. BURFIELD of Fitzroy.  7 pages, List 6.

TOPPING, Mrs. Elizabeth.  Wrote from Kalgoorlie in 1907 re her husband Bena, who went to Melbourne; has heard he is ill.  Not found.  4 pages, List 15.

TORPY, Patrick. Died at Elmore in 1881; file re expenses involved in burying him and unpaid account of coffin maker T.H. FARRELL. 14 pages, List 2.

TORRENTE, Venture.  Italian Consul in Melbourne wrote about him in 1877; he had deserted his ship in 1867; also enquired about Giovanni PIRONI and Dionisis FONTANA.  Only Torrente found. 23 pages, List 5.

TOTTEN, Edward, sought by mother at Tamworth NSW in 1913.  She believes he has gone with the ‘Wild West’ show of Bud Atkinson, but police ascertain he was briefly with Wirth’s Circus.  20 pages, List 94.

TOUCHELL, J.H., wanted for larceny on employer L. McPHERSON STERNBERG & Co., Rochester in 1897.  He was an auctioneer and clerk, c35 years, a native of South Australia.  In 1902 the file is re-activated.  This is a large file, List 63.

TOVEY, Gertrude, reports theft of jewellery from her bedroom at Albert Park in 1919.  Police doubt her story.  4 pages, List 31.

TOVEY, Jeremiah.  File re his medical treatment, death and burial at Dunolly in 1899.  He was a pauper, aged 87 years.  Thomas REES assisted police and Lawrence TOOLE of the Golden Age Hotel also involved.  17 pages, List 41.

TOWERS, Andrew, of Teralba Newcastle NSW, contacted by Victorian police in 1912.  His wife Alice and their 4 children are destitute in Melbourne; she has her sister’s infant BREWER with them, brought over from Tasmania, and has mailed him for money but none has arrived.  He sends money, but children become ill and she can’t travel.  4 pages, List 33.

TOWNLEY, James Henry, found guilty of housebreaking in Malvern in 1917.  Detailed report on him includes copy of letter from his mother Alice and information on Mrs T. BARKER of Adelaide, whose husband was ‘at the front’.  30 pages, some repetition.  List 97.

TOWNSEND, Mrs. J., Sydney, wrote in 1920 asking if the Annie Miller of Albert Rd. South Melbourne, listed in the directories, is her mother, who left there 11 yrs ago would be 48 yrs old.  Police advise different person.  3 pages, List 3.

TOWNSEND, Mrs. K. of Burnie Tasmania, wrote in 1905.  She has seen a newspaper report of an unidentified man found drowned, and asks if it is her husband.  He left some weeks ago for Victoria, was 46 yrs, a drunkard who wasted their money, and had threatened suicide.  Encloses sample of material from which she made his shirts.  People ascertain it was another person.  6 pages, List 3.

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TRAVELLERS AID SOCIETY. 2nd Annual Report, 1918.  List 1.

TRAVERS, Mrs. W.H., Wagga, wrote in 1917 seeking her grandmother Mrs. Millie Susannah, wife of Alfred KNOTT.  Found.  5 pages, List 73.

TREADWELL, Jabez, The Sporting Judge newspaper, Melbourne, complains of rudeness of local police in 1901.  4 pages, List 53.

TREBILCOCK, Charlotte, writes from Kew Asylum in 1912, that she is being held illegally there, was at Leongatha but daughter removed her.  4 pages, List 103.

TREMLETT, Mrs. Ivy.  Quarrelled with husband, separated, he took their 3 year old child away from her while she was living with her sister Eva BEAUVAIS in Brunswick, and in despair she attempted suicide in 1919.  10 pages, List 19.

TREVANNION, John.  Wife M. wrote in 1915 from Toogoolwah via Esk Qld, asking police to ascertain who he really was.  He told her he had been in the police force, but she suspects he had been a prisoner, and possibly already married when he married her.  Someone called him HUGHES, and he came home, destroyed any ID and left.  Gives a very detailed description. Police find there were warrants issued in 1911, but fail to locate him.  8 pages, List 117.

TREVENA, Edwin.  Deserted wife A.V.  c1897.  She writes from Broken Hill in 1902, thinks he’s committed bigamy with Maggie MUNROE or CALLAGHAN at Bendigo.  He claims that she is a bigamist.  6 pages, List 16.

TREVENA, Edwin.  Sought by wife A.V. in 1902.  He is believed to be in Bendigo with their two children Hurtle and Percy, and with Mrs. MUNROW nee CALLAGHAN.  Found, he has four children and is a prominent member of the Salvation Army.  9 pages, List 63.

TREVETHICK, William. Murdered Sandhurst, 1899.  List 1.

TRESIZE, Ellen, bought to Footscray police station in 1913, in labour, a Ward of the State; foster father Samuel GIBSON.  Taken to St Joseph’s Receiving Home, where she gives birth.  2 pages, List 107.

TROTTER, Arthur Henry. Murdered, 1913. Large file.  List 1.

TROTTER, Henry, Parkville, wrote in 1910 re J. CARROTTY, [GARRETTY??] ice cream vendor South Melbourne, who has been told he has to move his city stand, has been there for 26 years.  Detailed response refers to – MILLER, a cripple with a family, who applied for the spot.  8 pages, List 96.

TRUDGEN, Frank.  Writes from Adelaide in 1898, asking if the Thomas TRUDGEON found dead in a hut at Maldon is his father, who left them in 1882, later committing a bigamous marriage in Sydney.  His father used different spellings of his surname and aliases.  Police report not his father.  7 pages, List 19.

TRUSCOTT, Elizabeth Jane, wrote to Sir John QUICK MP in 1910, asking help to get maintenance from her husband John, who left 5 years ago; he passes letter to police.  13 pages, List 92.

TUCK, Caroline, sought by Mrs. McKinnon of Wellington via Orange NSW in 1904.  In 1901 she adopted Tuck’s child from the Women’s Hospital; since then her husband has died, she is in poor health, she can’t make ends meet, and needs help.  Tuck came from Cobram.  Family found.  6 pages, List 33.

TUCK, Caroline, sought by Mrs M. MURPHY, West Tamworth NSW in 1913 ‘a very dear friend’; she was confined at the Women’s Hospital 12 years ago.  Found.  6 pages, List 105.

TUCKER, Albert, wrote from East Devonport Tasmania in 1898, asking if Sarah COOPER is at 62 High St., St. Kilda and if it is a respectable place; yes, Woodward family.  4 pages, List 23.

TUCKER, J.S., wrote series of letters from Burnie, Tasmania in 1910 re his daughter Ruby Silvy Vesta May, 19 years, who had stayed behind in Melbourne when the family returned home.  She was renting a room with Mrs. Annie OSBORNE (husband William John) in Port Melbourne, and working at Swallow & Ariel’s factory.  His brother W.H. Tucker interviewed.  Details of family life given; she doesn’t wish to return home.  25 pages, List 24.

TUCKER, J.S., Burnie, Tasmania, wrote in 1911 re the above matter.  A very detailed report on the file.  8 pages, List 95.

TULLOCH, Eliza Mary, Perth, W.A., wrote in 1912 re her husband G.R.W., a book binder, known as William, whom she has a maintenance order against.  Believed in Melbourne, found.  7 pages, List 101.

TULLY, Austin Robert, Gunner No. 262, now at the front; report establishes he married two women in 2 months in 1915.  6 pages, List 81.

TULLY, James Francis, JP, Geelong, died suddenly in 1901; report.  2 pages, List 51.

TUNG, Henry, Ballarat, applied to become a Chinese Detective in 1904; gives background, is 33 years and single.  3 pages, List 34.

TUNKS, Percy, sought by mother J.T. Tunks, Beaconsfield, Tasmania, in 1904.  Found.  3 pages, List 68.

TUNKS, Percy Augustus, sought by Gertrude MOORE, Beaconsfield Tasmania in 1917; his brother was dying.  4 pages, List 73.

TURNBULL, Mrs A.W., Ballarat, in 1918 wrote letter alleging stone throwing etc on her roof.  She lived alone, her only child was killed in France.  Wrote that Miss MADDISON of Hawksburn could confirm; interviewed Maddison says that she worked there for a brief period, Turnbull is eccentric.  9 pages, List 119.

TURIN VEREIN.  Police report on Fitzroy premises being attacked by a mob, 1914.  7 pages, List 3.

TURNER, Mrs. A., Melbourne, wrote in 1917 complaining of two women who wanted their fortune told ‘which is illegal’.  She had recently arrived from Sydney for the races.  She suspects they were police plants. 3 pages, List 75.

TURNER, Alfred.  Information sought by Belgian Consul, Melbourne, in 1902.  He was a Belgian subject, a physician, c38 years, had ‘swindled his wife’s fortune’ and was believed to be in Melbourne.  4 pages, List 61.

TURNER, Mrs Annie nee FOSTER, wife of George; married c1883 at Drysdale.  Anonymous letter in 1909 claims that while living in Queenscliff she had an affair with a soldier, James Alfred HEATH and bore a child to him. At present she was a clairvoyant with Pastor ABBOTT in Fitzroy. 11 pages, List 88.

TURNER, Mrs Annie, Fitzroy, claims that she foretold a case of infanticide in 1909.  ‘This woman’s cheek knows no bounds’. 3 pages, List 88.

TURNER, James, sought by wife E. of Plympton, Fremantle, W.A. in 1899.  They were married in 1898, have four children.  She went to Melbourne and he was to follow but didn’t.  On her return she found that he has cleared out.  She belives he is with a Mrs. LUCAS in Fitzroy, but they are not found.  ‘… if it costs me my life I will have him to suffer for I am like a madwoman …’.  7 pages, List 16.

TURNER, Noah.  Tenders for removal of manure from Tylden police station, 1864, 3 pages, List 14.  Tenders for repairs to store at Tylden police station, 8 pages, List 14.

TURNER, Richard.  Identified as body found at Keilor in 1876; was from Daylesford, letter from wife on file.  27 pages, List 6.

TURNER, Walter, 43 years, storekeeper, missing from his home in Sydney in 1906.  Chief Commissioner there sends details, including a somewhat blurred photo.  4 pages, List 31.

TUTE, Thomazine O’May, 21 years, single, attempted suicide at Castlemaine in 1914 after argument with Arthur ANTONIO; she is pregnant but he is not the father.  3 pages, List 112.

TWIST, H.H., Head Teacher, Newtown State School No. 806 Maryborough, wrote in 1910 advising that Robert ROSS was too ill to work and should be placed in a Sanitorium; medical certificate on file.  4 pages, List 94.

TWITT, John George, 16 years old, injured and taken to a private hospital at Numurkah in 1912, where he subsequently died and was buried without an inquest being held and police informed.  Discussion re necessary to exhume body and hold inquest.  9 pages, List 33.

TYERS, Charles J., Portland, complained in 1915 of police neglect in reporting the accidental death of his son Hugh Alexander at St. Kilda.  15 pages, List 80.

TYRRELL, William. Charged with shooting Janet GERARD at Lt. Lonsdale Street Melbourne in 1917.  List 1.

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ULHORN, Mr.  Hairdresser, St. Kilda, of German extraction, scared soldiers are going to attack him, 1916.  List 6.

ULLYETT, Olive E.F., died suddenly in 1928 of a suspected abortion.  Had lived with Alfred Lewis CLEMENTS for some years at Albert Park.    6 pages, List 60.

UNDERHILL, Sidney, born 1904, son of George of Fitzroy.  Anonymous letter in 1905 states his birth was not registered to avoid vaccination.  6 pages, List 63.

UNDERWOOD, Elizabeth.  Wrote from Broken Hill in 1905 regarding her son Mark who had been apprenticed as an acrobat to Mr. N.H. TYLER.  He wrote that he was being badly treated.  15 pages, List 8.

UNDERWOOD, Elizabeth, Broken Hill, wrote in 1906 re her son Mark, appearing in shows with Reginald WILLIAMS; she wants him returned home.  Found.  10 pages, List 82.

UNDERWOOD, Patrick.  Information sought by wife Florence, Surry Hills Sydney in 1902; she is destitute with a month old baby.  Found.  8 pages, List 61.

UNEMPLOYED MEETING, Melbourne, 9-11 May 1892. Two handbills advertising same. Work for all or starvation for all etc.   List 1.

UNKNOWN MALE, found dead in bush near Beechworth in 1896, had hanged himself.  Faded photograph and 2 pages.  List 39.  

UNKNOWN MALE, suicided at Ardara near Ararat in 1906.  Photo on file; c40 years, used name James TITAN, but believed to be false. Sample of his poetry on file.  Mrs. A.G. WITTON of Dimboola Banner wrote that it may be her brother in law John, who wrote poetry and was a heavy drinker; no.  18 pages, List 71.

UPTON, Alfred Harold Keith, 13 years, ran away from his home at pacific, Watson’s Bay Sydney in 1910, met cousin Hilda OSTLING, then came to Melbourne; arrested for larceny.  5 pages, List 94.

UPTON, Herbert George.  Charged with carnal knowledge of Gertrude Irene FURZER at Flemington in 1905.  Photo; 25 yrs.  File incomplete, some repetitious material.  List 4.

URQUHART, Donald, wrote from Allora, Darling Downs Qld., in 1907, applying for entry to police force.  Reference from Commonwealth Attorney General L.E. GROOM on file.  5 pages, List 44.

U.S. NAVY. Description of 1908 deserters from Great White Fleet.  List 1.



VACCARE, Albino.  Italian Consul in Melbourne asks for discreet enquiries to be made in 1882.  Found, recently married.  5 pages, List 57.

VAGG, Florence, living with Joseph CONRAD, cabdriver, Richmond, in 1914, attempts suicide.  No prosecution.  8 pages, List 112.

VAIL, Mrs Annie, Packington Place East Prahran, claims in 1913 that there is a cellar under the house filled with dead bodies; report states delusional.  6 pages, List 93.

VALE, Charles Harold.  Confidential enquiry as to his whereabouts sought on behalf of his father R.T. VALE, MLA.  He was a native of Ballarat, 21 years.  Not found.  5 pages.  A further file covering different searches made, has 10 pages.  List 63.

VALLIS,  R.R., Stroud, NSW, wrote in 1913 re 7 year old son, who was taken from Dunedin New Zealand 6 months ago by his mother and James CROCKER who were running art unions.  Not found. 8 pages, List 106.

VANCE, James. Murdered, 1900, five people charged with crime. Large file.  List 1.

VANDERLUFT, Looie, wrote from Heathcote in 1902 re the arrest of two burglars, asking if her daughter Mrs. J.T. ANDAS’s jewellery was among the items found; she was currently overseas.  4 pages, List 12.

VARDY, Joseph Francis.  His discharge from the 4th Qld Contingent was found in a street in 1904, and attempts are made to find him and return it.  List 68.

VARKER, Mary Emily, nee WEATHERSON, wife of William James, gave birth to illegitimate child Duecilla Mary at Eaglehawk in 1895 and listed him as father on birth certificate.  They were married in 1886, had two children, Hilda and Clarice, but have been separated for some years.  Father of child is – JOHNS.  She and her mother run the Huntly Wine Hall.  File includes copies of birth certificates.  30 pages, List 29.

VARLEY, George William, sought by wife, at Handforth, Cheshire, England,  in 1913.  He left England 3 years ago; she and their child are destitute.  Found.  7 pages, List 109.

VAUGHAN, Kenneth, arrested for forgery at Linton, and committed suicide; was to have been married to Miss SANDOW in 2 weeks.  2 pages, List 97.

VAUGHAN, William, last heard of at Perth c1908, going goldmining.  Sought by sister Elizabeth, Mortlake Victoria in 1915.  Found.  11 pages, List 80.

VEAR, H.C., Ballarat, wrote two strange letters to police in 1912; local police report he suffers from hallucinations and is harmless.  7 pages, List 33.

VEAR, James, London England, wrote in 1902 asking police to contact a boot maker named IRVINE who had a son James who has died overseas.  Police establish this was William Irvine of Ballarat and track his family.  James was formerly in the Victoria police force.  7 pages, List 42.

VEARING, W., wrote from Mitchellstown via Tahbilk in 1900 re neighbours SMITH, who have drunken men and women around their premises; he is worried they will destroy his sheep.  They are identified as Charles Smith and his three daughters.  The eldest is living with William GORDON, the second has gone to Melbourne, and the youngest is with a Mrs. TOGNELLI of Tahbilk.  Vearing is Smith’s brother in law.  8 pages, List 45.

VEITCH, William Henry, labourer, deserted wife Grace at Elmore in 1915; search for him in 1919.  12 pages, List 115.

VENN, James Grosse, deserted wife in Sydney in 1892.  She writes in 1898 seeking details of him.  Not found.  8 pages, List 19.

VENNELL, Martha, charged with murdering son Ellis John Vennell at Maryborough in 1894; acquitted.  Large file, List 24.

VENNING, John, Prahran, writes a strange letter in 1914, alleging his wife has been misbehaving with police.  Report states he has religious mania.  5 pages, List 114.

VERNON, Jean, wife of Eustace, private secretary to the Chinese Consul at Johannesburg South Africa, arrived in Melbourne in 1906 and stayed with sister Mrs. Alice GEMEL.  Pregnant, she attempts to get rid of child and becomes septic and quite ill.  Drs Charles John HOOD and Francis A. NYULASY are called in; neighbour Mr & Mrs. DAY alert police.  This is a very detailed file.  17 pages, List 70.

VERNON, May ‘Southport’ Mordialloc.  In 1913 an anonymous letter claimed that bad behaviour had been going on there for some time; local police refute claim, give details of her interests in horse racing.  5 pages, List 109.

VERSTRUCTEN, Philippi.  Sought by Belgian Consul in 1877; found.  8 pages, List 5.

VIAL, William John, deserted wife E.G. Vial previous to 1895, when she asks police to find him.  She writes from Coomoora, Daylesford.  2 pages, List 25.

VICTORIA RACING CLUB.  In 1910 sought confidential report on the character of J.D. WHITEHEAD and his employee W.C. WEBB of Warrnambool.  Report showed Whitehead had an illegitimate child by Ellen YEOMAN with whom he is living.  4 pages, List 91.

VIDEON, John, West Hindmarsh, South Aust., wrote in 1917 re his wife Mary, believed in Melbourne.  They had argued over money and she had left him; asks whether she is leading a respectable life.  7 pages, List 72.

VIDEON, John, South Australia, wrote in 1917 re wife Mary who is in Melbourne, wants her to return.  Miss HOSKEN of Malvern interviewed.  Police discourage him from visiting.  6 pages, List 75.

VINCE, Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth, wife of George, found dead in burned dairy at Teddywaddy near Wycheproof in 1900.  Large file.  List 22.

VINCENT, L.M. Constable No. 5080; enlisted in 1916, sought leave of absence from police force.  7 pages, List 77.

VINCENT, William Carthew, sought by wife Grace in Collingwood in 1899.  She and their 3 children are destitute; he was believed to be in Tasmania, was a printer and aged 35 years.  16 pages, List 43.

VINES, Samuel.  File re this seven year old child being sent from Bendigo to a Reformatory in 1864.  7 pages, List 4.

VINES, William.  Wrote from Melbourne in 1864, demanding apology from Chief Commissioner Frederick Standish for being locked up by local police.  Subsequently committed to asylum.  5 pages, List 12.

VIRGONA, Giuseppe and Antonio, Brunswick.  Returning to Italy to marry, they need proof they have not married here; Italian Consul writes on their behalf.  5 pages, List 88.

VIRTUE, Thomas, deserted ship 1909, was working in Footscray.  In 1910 his brother in law Alex A. BROWN, North Coast Steamship Co., Sydney, sought him.  4 pages, List 94.

VLAEMINCK, Effie May and daughter Ida May, 3 years, sought by husband Henry Edward, Sydney NSW in 1914.  He believes she has run off with – McNAMARA and were in Melbourne.  They were living at Whitton near Hay.  6 pages, List 112.

VLANTIS, Georges, Greek, member of the Italian Opera Company, arrived in Sydney from New Zealand and was required to leave passport with officials.  In 1917 wrote from Adelaide requesting return of it.  6 pages, List 71.

VOCE, Norman, 3 years old, placed with Mrs Jean HUTCHENS at Mount Gambier in 1913.  File gives her background, came from Coleraine, had married Bob ALLEN who died overseas, then lived with several men, including Arthur HUTCHENS.  Norman was taken from Coleraine by his father Frank and given to her, but he neglected to pay maintenance.  12 pages, List 107.

VOCKLER, Alfred, Melbourne, 1914, sends police copies of his ‘Searchlight’ brochure in which he picks horse race winners.  6 pages, List 115.

VOCKLER, Alfred, 1915 attempts to prosecute him over his Turf Searchlight publication  An incomplete file.  15 pages, List 117.

VOEGE, Lucy, brought unconscious to Maryborough Watchhouse in 1895; had given birth prematurely.  Her 2 year old child Daisy Obena STALLARD was looked after by a constable’s wife before being committed to government care.  2 pages, List 28.

VOKE, Mavina Grace, South Melbourne, deserted by husband Frank Neville Voke, box maker, 29 years, who took their son with him; believed in Sydney with ‘Molly” DALE.  Mavina later went to Sydney, and in 1911 her sister Mrs J. LAUDER asks police to check on her.  12 pages, List 97.

VOLIVA, Rev. Wilbur Glenn, Christian Catholic Church of Zion, complains of the bad behaviour of Freemasons at his meetings.  Detailed description and reports.  15 pages, List 68.

VON GEYER, St. John Charles, wrote from Carlton in 1896, asking police to confirm he had no criminal convictions; someone had told his employer Mr. KOLLING that he had.  Incomplete file; 2 pages, List 50.

VON KLITZING, Julius Carl.  Information sought by wife Adelaide, Singleton NSW in 1909.  He was formerly in business in New Zealand under the name John KOERING, and is a German, 50 years; she and five children are destitute.  Not found. 6 pages, List 53.

VORKER, Mrs. A., South Melbourne, attempted suicide in 1915; no prosecution.  4 pages, List 81.

VREGAT, L., sought by Dutch Consul, Melbourne, in 1912.  He was last heard of in Richmond.  Found, using name OLSEN.  5 pages, List 104.

VUSCOVICH, Amelia.  Died in Austin Hospital in 1903.  Government pays for burial, but husband Natale writes from Portarlington requesting copy of death certificate so Lodge can pay burial costs.  12 pages, List 19.

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